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RG_ 12-16-2006 10:00 PM

Mini-Christmas Quiz
This is a few questions from a larger Christmas survey that my family members have been passing around for a little holiday season fun. Thought a shortened version might add a bit more color to our holiday season on MSF. Just answer the questions. For a more lively discussion, give a more extended answer for each! Just click below the question and answer.

1. Hot Chocolate...or Egg Nog?

2. What is your favorite holiday dish?

3. Snow. Love It! or Hate It!

4. Do you hang mistletoe?

5. Do you remember your favorite holiday gift as a child? If so, tell us about it.


RG_ 12-16-2006 10:08 PM

And my own answers:

1. Hot Chocolate...or Egg Nog?
My favorite is hot chocolate. I associate it with winter in general and Christmas in particular, so it's always a favorite. I prefer it to have mini-marshmallows melted on top. Alternatively, I also like whipped cream on top, but it melts into the hot chocolate too quickly.

That being said, I am also a BIG fan of egg nog. My favorite way to have it is
mixed with Southern Comfort liqueur. Mmmmmmm. A tasty Christmas tradition with a Southern flare for a Southern boy! Whether for myself or for guests, I like to serve it in a festive glass, usually a wine glass, with just a little nutmeg and ground cinnamon sprinkled on top.

2. What is your favorite holiday dish?
From Thanksgiving through Christmas I love pumpkin pie! I also love wassel, or hot spiced apple cider (essentially the same thing).

3. Snow. Love It! or Hate It!
HATE IT! I'm a Southerner who has had to live for several years in the North, off the western shore of Lake Michigan, and later in upstate New York. I've seen enough snow for the rest of my life, and two or three reincarnations after. (But I will take a White Christmas. ;) )

4. Do you hang mistletoe?
I haven't in the past, but might be starting.

5. Do you remember your favorite holiday gift as a child? If so, tell us about it.
It was a big mechanized Navy ship when I was very young. I just flipped over it. It had all kinds of working things on it--guns, missiles, lights, wheels on the bottom which made it move across the floor, and sounds.


spanked~amber 12-17-2006 01:45 AM

1. do I have to pick just one ? I love them both. I guess I would have to say hot chocolate as my first fav. though. I love wassal RG ! I made some just this week and took it to work yesterday.
2.My favorite holiday dish is cranberry salad.
3.I think snow is beautiful, but here in Texas it usually comes with sleet and ice wich I hate.
4.Have yet to hang mistletoe. I'm not letting just ANYBODY kiss me. lol
5.My most memorable gift was a doll and cradle. The doll had brown eyes and dark hair which I thought was just perfect cause she looked like me, lol. Hey I was 5 ! The cradle had a pink blanket and pillow which was my favorite color.

BlackVelvet007 12-17-2006 04:35 AM

1. Hot Chocolate...or Egg Nog? Hot Chocolate filled to the brim with mini-marshmallows.

2. What is your favorite holiday dish? Every year my mom makes well-done roast beef with Yorkshire pudding. Every year I can't wolf it down fast enough.

3. Snow. Love It! Except when it's flying at me at 100mph in a spherical form when I'm not looking.

4. Do you hang mistletoe? yeah but dangit all the girls keep dodging that sucker. (lol a better answer I saw: "Nope, I shoot it. Hanging's too good for it")

5. Do you remember your favorite holiday gift as a child? If so, tell us about it.
The one that pops into my head first is a pinball game. I loved pinball growing up, almost as much as Tommy ;)

rangerboy 12-17-2006 09:55 AM

Christmas Quiz
1. Well as an adult, egg nog cause we can spike it with a dash of brandy....hee a kid, hot chocolate.

2. My mom makes a salad with baby peas and pearl onions. We only have it on the holiday table but she puts some rosemary and thyme in it....its been a favorite for years. Keep meaning to get the receipe.

3. Snow is great.....on the east coast. I"m with in Texas is means treacherous driving with ice and sleet.

4. Well I got married earlier this year and we are sure gonna hang the mistletoe her in rangerboy's house.....I remember a little hat with a hook to which you could affix the wearer was ALWAYS under the mistletoe.

5. I was a huge civil war buff growing up (still am) and when I was ten I got a complete civil war solider set with plastic figures, cannons, horses....both union and confederate. I've seen the set advertised in nostalgia books for over $500...sure wish I'd kept mine.

RG_ 12-18-2006 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by rangerboy (Post 1223)
5. I was a huge civil war buff growing up (still am) and when I was ten I got a complete civil war solider set with plastic figures, cannons, horses....both union and confederate.

I recall a Civil War game that I got when I was nine years old, and it would certainly rank in the top three things that I ever got for Christmas. I found it under a bed but had to wait until Christmas to open it. I remember sneaking under two or three times to very carefully open it and get the playing pieces out, and then putting everything back together.

Richard Windsor 12-18-2006 08:42 PM

1. Hot Chocolate...or Egg Nog?

Hot chocolate. Unfortunately I haven't had a proper English cup in yonks. I guess I can get it at the British store, but I'm not paying $15 for a small tin ;-)

2. What is your favorite holiday dish?

It used to be the trifle for desert, but as above, those days of having trifle are long gone. Maybe I can make a few for the Gatlinburg meet!!

3. Snow. Love It! or Hate It!

The more the better, I just can't get enough of it.

4. Do you hang mistletoe?

I don't even put a tree up.

5. Do you remember your favorite holiday gift as a child? If so, tell us about it.

As sad as this may be, there isn't a single thing that comes to mind, and I have been thinking for 15 minutes here, lol.


spanked~amber 12-18-2006 09:06 PM

UMMMMMMMMMMMMM !!!!!!!!!!!!! You mean you sneaked and opened it ? Lol. The one time that I got brave enough to sneak a peek, I just opened one end of a package wich what I thought was mine because it had my intials on it..Well it ended up being my aunt's present. Ooooops.

rangerboy 12-18-2006 09:13 PM

Civil War Christmas Present

What was the game? Do you remember?

Do you remember the plastic solider set that I'm talking about? It was ordered from the Sears catalog.....they may have stopped making it before your time. It had cannons and fortifications, a plantation house.....had U.S. Grant and Robert E. Lee figurines.....lots of actions poses for the could put swords in the offier's hands....just lots of fun for a 9 year old.


RG_ 12-18-2006 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by rangerboy (Post 1261)
What was the game? Do you remember?

It was called, "Battle Cry," and was a simple board game put out by Milton-Bradley. It was released under the earlier title of "The Civil War," but they apparently thought a name change would be good. Go to this link (but pretty fast, because it will disappear soon enough) to see it:

That really brings back just a LOT of memories!

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