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hot-spanker 04-22-2007 01:55 AM

(Hi guys this is my first story here on the forum, please let me know what you all think.)

Cindy knew she was in trouble when all the red lights came on, and the car died. How many times that week had Roger warned her to get it to their mechanic? Now here she sat in their living room with a repair & tow bill for $2800. He had been furious with her when she'd called him, and told her to "be ready" when he got home. So here she sat in just her skimpy white bra and panties on their leather sofa and that thin novelty paddle that hurt sooo much on the glass coffee table before her. Fear of her coming spanking, and guilt at letting him down brought tears to her eyes. She heard his truck in the driveway and her heart racing.

Nothing was said. He was mad! Picking up the paddle he grabbed a kitchen chair and he spun it around .Sitting he motioned her to him. She knew the routine. Tears welling in her pretty blue eyes she approached him, and worked her tiny white panties off her lushes’ hips and down to mid thigh. She stood before him hands on her head as he scolded her. He went right to Elvis as she had known he would. His favorite expression had been, Take Care of Business. (TCB) It was Roger's too. He didn't ask that much of her. She was free to do as she pleased most of the day. What was the #$&%# problem? How long would it have taken to drop her car off? Couldn’t one of her friends give her a lift home? Dying of embarrassment standing with her panties down in front of this man she loved so much she finally sobbed.
"Please just spank me Roger!" "I'm so sorry!" That cooled his anger some, but he was determined to give her a good paddling any way. Hauling his lovely sobbing wife over his lap he began a fast searing series of slaps to her bare bottom. The paddle slaps were loud in the stillness of the house, and she began to vocalize immediately. "OH God! OH! OW OH OW OW OW OH GOD ROGER IT HURTS PLEASE!" He spanked. She cried. He paddled her wiggling butt. She pleaded. When she thought her bottom was on fire, and she couldn't take any more he stopped.
“What are you going to Cindy?" He asked her sliding the thin paddle around her hot stinging bottom. "Take Care of Business Sir." She cried. "That’s right" he replied "Take SLAP! Care SLAP! Of SLAP! Business." slap slap slap slap......He built a fire in her plump bouncing bottom, and listened to her wail.

When she reached the point of surrender and her protests became tears of repentance he tossed the paddle to the carpet and gathered the love of his life in his arms. He held her and comforted her.
"It’s all over baby girl. Shhhhhh. Don't cry. I love you Cindy. It's ok now babe." he told her as she sat in his lap with her head cradled in his arms. Her panties lay on the carpet. Her red butt and thighs felt sore, and scratchy against the fabric of his grey suit. Peace had been restored. They sat for a while, embracing, and loving each other very much indeed.


southern_sweetie 04-22-2007 01:59 AM

Great job Jerry, I loved it! What a wonderful ending! Awww hmm now I want a spanking, darn to bad your all the way in TN! Please write more!


RG_ 04-22-2007 07:02 AM


Thanks for contributing to the forum with a story. This requires much more work than just a message (like this ;) ), so it's very much appreciated.

spanked~amber 04-22-2007 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by RG_ (Post 3728)

Thanks for contributing to the forum with a story. This requires much more work than just a message (like this ;) ), so it's very much appreciated.

Ditto Jerry.. Been there done that got the t-shirt. Feedback has so many meanings. It does take time to write a story, which for me, takes a little bit of courage and willingness to have your thoughts and imagination judged by your spanking peers...With that being said, when no comments or feedback are given or are only given by one person- it doesn't do much for the motivation part to submit another one. I'm not saying feedback should be a requirement, but if you truly like it, a thumbs up goes a long way. So for Jerry, and those who have made the effort to submit stories for our enjoyment- for sharing from lil' ol' me.

RG_ 04-22-2007 05:00 PM

Well, Miss Amber, I think that we would certainly like to see more of YOUR stories on the board, too. You're also a talent that needs not to go to waste for lack of writing.

BlackVelvet007 04-22-2007 09:03 PM

I concur with RG. Hope Part 7 of "Lost & Found" is still forthcoming. :)

hot-spanker 04-24-2007 09:01 AM

ok... but what do u think?
If I could actually get some feedback on the quality of the work it would help me decide if I should post anymore. hehe

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