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71mindcrime 05-01-2008 04:43 PM

Wife Spanked By Her Dad
This is an absolutely true story......

About five years ago my wife went over to visit with her Mom and Dad just to get away from me and the kids for a little while. Apparently her Mom wasn't home at the time so she was visiting with her Dad and they managed to get into a pretty heated argument about something. From what I was told later she was being very disrespectful to him and he warned her a couple of different times to knock it off but she didn't listen. Finally he got up from his chair and took her by the arm led her back over to his chair, and without another word took her over his knee and started spanking her. Now mind you she was 35 years old at the time, and a mother of three, and the last time she was spanked by her Dad was when she was 14. He spanked her for a couple of minutes and when he asked her if she was done acting like a little brat she told him that he had no right to do this to her at this age and called him a couple of very colorful adjectives which he didn't appreciate at all. So he decided that she obviously didn't learn her lesson so he then proceeded to pull her shorts and her panties to her ankles and spanked her bare bottom until it was bright red. By the time it was done she was crying and pleading for him to stop, which he finally did. She got up off of his lap, pulled her panties and shorts back up and left without another word.

When she got home, which was only about five miles away, I could tell something really bad had happened but she wouldn't tell me at first. Finally after a few minutes of coaxing she told me the whole story. I was furious! I was going to go over there and kick the crap out of him but she told me not to and said that she actually deserved it and it was no big deal. I was confused by this to say the least but I let it be. I did however make her let me take pictures of her bottom in case she wanted to go after him legally later. I still have those pictures;) Anyway, to make a long story short she eventually forgave him and so did I after me and him finally sat down and talked about it. And she was right she did deserve it. He went into a little more detail about what she said to him and why he did what he did and I have to say I don't blame him.

I guess the real reason I'm posting this is I want to get other peoples reaction to this. It was a weird situation and I had a lot of mixed feeling about it for quite a while afterwards. Tell me what you think.

paully62 05-01-2008 10:51 PM took pictures??

71mindcrime 05-03-2008 04:55 PM

Ummmmmm..............Yeah, it seemed logical at the time. She was handling it way better than I was and I didn't know if she would want to do something about it later so it was the only thing that made sense to me. It was just a really weird situation and I can tell by the number of replies (1) that I'm not the only one that feels that way. I probably shouldn't have shared this but I was curious what other people would have done in my shoes.

bunstinger 05-03-2008 11:37 PM

I think you should post the pictures :)

kaylex 05-03-2008 11:40 PM

reason for silence
Ummm bunstinger.....Shut up!

I'm going to venture to guess that most people didn't respond because we don't deal with stuff like this much.

Since 99.99999% of the group LIKES spanking (even when we don't...). We are always talking about consentual spanking, even when talking about discipine.

What your wife experienced was not consentual so it shouldn't have happened and she has every right to press charges if she wantes to.

Sorry it happened.


EmmyDoll 05-04-2008 03:54 PM

This sounds like BS...

What Dad actually spanks their daughter, with her panties down....


I mean come on... this girls husband obviously has a spanking fetish (hence the post on a spanking fetish website)....

Need I go on?????

Kyra 05-05-2008 09:06 AM

I think if this actually happened to me. I would have pressed charges.

I mean if she had been that comfortable with it surly she would have stayed with him to talk about it?

I don't agree with anything that isn't consentual espically when it comes to parents and she is an adult. Then again maybe I feel this way for personal reasons but hay thats just me.

I think the last time someone hit me with out concent it was in the face and I won't say what with. But I made it very clear if it EVER happened again I would take it to the police. Needless to say I do not talk to that person anymore. I don't think it matters if their family infact I think that makes it even worse.

Batman 05-07-2008 12:26 AM

Did this happen down south? That might make it believable because there is more acceptance of spanking in general.

Nick352 05-09-2008 08:43 PM

This is a good story
The story was great. Sorry for the pain inflicted on the victim, but a good story.

The father never should have completed what he thought was acceptable, without talking with his daughter.

As for the daughter, she should have filed, no delay. If he got away with it that time, he may have another chance to do it again, and the victim list increases.

Be Safe Guys:...

Madman 05-11-2008 10:19 PM

Cool story. I'd love to see the pictures also. Real life non consensual is as realistic as it gets.

As far as pressing charges, would she have really wanted to see her father go to jail and have to register as a sex offender? That is something that would have affected him immensely and would follow him around forever. Personally I think it is a terrible law, but unfortunately many states have them on the books.

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