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garyspk 03-22-2008 12:10 AM

Forum Update
There are 2 things I'd like to address.

1) We started our little forum/community in the fall of 2006. I'm pretty proud of the fact that as moderator, I haven't had to "ban" anyone from here. But enough is enough. We've told dandy40don that he cannot log back in for 3 months...beginning today. I've given him a lot of warnings and he doesn't seem capable of comprehending the problem. So that's it. He's gone for 3 months. And if he comes back in 3 months and the complaints start again, he's gone for good. I don't really think this is a problem with any other member. But if someone asks you to politely stop bothering him or her, please do so.

2) I deleted a thread that kept popping up after I've posted 3 different times now that the thread is a year old. Much like I really don't like having to "warn" or "ban" members, I don't enjoy deleting threads either. And this is one of the few times I've done it. The person who started that thread over a year ago is no longer active and is laying low for a good reason. So as her friend, I've pulled that thread to avoid any further confusion.

I really hate doing stuff like BOTH of these items above. Maybe it was me-about-dying after my stress test yesterday (LOL). But I'd just had enough. Enough is enough on both subjects.

Let's move on and continue to have fun. I can't believe we have over 5200 members now. And to only have 1 or 2 problems? That's pretty good if you ask me.

Thanks to everyone for their support of this site.

Your friendly moderator,

BlackVelvet007 03-22-2008 02:56 AM

You did good, gary. I know you hated doing those things, but being moderator means making the tough decisions. We commend you for doing the right thing.

Billy Wizz 03-22-2008 04:18 AM

I have moderated other sites in the past and sometimes you just have to come down on people from a great height for the sake of the forum from time to time.

If someone continues to cause a problem after you have repeatedly asked them to stop you have to take action.

Well done.

tubaman 03-22-2008 07:49 AM


It is downright amazing that with a forum this size, and this active, that you've only had to do this twice or so. It is a testament to your patience and genuine leadership. (And to the quality of the membership in general.)

There are those groups where the overly-controlling moderators keep their thumb on the members, squelching any real, honest dialogue. Thanks for treating your members like adults. THAT'S leadership, and it is at least one reason you have to do this so rarely.

Well done, Friend!

Paul (Tubaman)

sarah thorne 03-22-2008 08:19 AM

With most software, if you want people to stop posting on a thread without having to delete it, there is an option to simply take away the reply box. This preserves the thread as part of the archives, yet does not allow for current reviving. Are you not able to do that? :)

And that dandy guy -- he had bugged me too at one point, but left me alone when I simply ignored him after he tried a few times.


kaylex 03-22-2008 12:19 PM

Good job Gary
I too solved my own dandydon problem by ignoring him BUT since I have yet to meet a woman on this forum who DIDN'T have a problem with him it was a bigger problem then just ignoring. And honestly why should I or anyone else have to explain to new people how to ignore some one EVERY TIME that person is around... and since the vetrans aren't around all the time newbies get bothered and don't come back.

So YES if some one's bothering you absolutely ignore them but this went beyind bothering and it was literally EVERYONE or at least every female.... but I think Achilles got hit on once or twice:)

lil_dixiedarling 03-22-2008 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by kaylex (Post 8696)
but I think Achilles got hit on once or twice:)

Yes but that is because Achilles is such a nice Lady

emily 03-22-2008 09:11 PM

I actually help moderate a Warez forum it seems pretty similar to this program that you're running and there is an option to "Lock" a thread so that it can be viewed but no more posts can be made.

I think you're doing great work Gary. We've got yer back :)


texringer 03-23-2008 01:40 PM

One more amen
From one of the new folks on dandydon's recent contacts list, thanks. I did know to ignore him, but it's very gratifying to find a moderator who looks after us.

And, as has been said, what a great group to have so few problems in all this time!

lil_babygirl 03-23-2008 10:29 PM

Great job GaryS. :)

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