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RG_ 12-28-2006 11:09 PM


A charged topic with the spanked girls!

Some love to.
Some want to but can't.
Some feel release from it.
Some don't want to and resist it.
Some want to but resist it.
And so on!!!

Girls of MSF, how do YOU feel about crying? When/after being spanked, how does it affect you? How does it make you feel?

Guys of MSF, how does it affect you when a girl that you're spanking or have spanked cries?

emily 12-28-2006 11:22 PM

It's always a nice release when im able to let the tears flow.. It's just like a great big weight being lifted off of my chest... Between work an my kids an the rest of my crazy life it's definitely welcomed.. It's always nice when my partner takes me in His arms after an comforts me.. Being hugged and held alot when this happens is very important to me... It helps me to feel safe and loved...

spanked~amber 12-29-2006 12:22 AM

It usually depends on the type of spanking for me. When I'm in trouble, ooops did I actually admit that ? Anyway... for true discipline I pretty much always turn into a big baby whether I want to or not. I'm concentrating on so many things during the spanking,(like owwwwwwie that hurts !) that brave just goes out the window.Guilt is such a wasted emotion. Crying, along with the lesson applied, gives me a feeling of a clean slate.

PandaBear 12-29-2006 12:52 AM

I like crying after I get a spanking, especially if its a serious punishment. I think it helps alleviate the nervous feeling I get in my stomach when I know I'm going to get spanked, also I'm such a wimp a sore bottom will usually make me cry.

Adelina 12-29-2006 01:05 AM

Crying is a fantastic release for me. My measure of a good top is someone who will keep going to get me there. I don't do discipline, so for me it's just a way to get rid of stress and to chill out, and part of making a scene feel more real. Being snuggled up afterward is always nice too.

persephone 12-29-2006 11:04 AM

i don't usually cry from release with spankings. i remember crying twice after punishments. once it was because my owner walked away right after spanking me-- he was just giving me a minute to wind down, but i thought he was getting ready to go out as if nothing had just happened (it was a spontaneous spanking for defiant behavior, not something pre-planned). i burst into tears-- only to find out that he was planning on plenty of debriefing and aftercare and was only stepping away (less than 10 feet away in fact) for a moment. the second time was after i had to self-spank while on the phone with him. it was awful and i didn't feel better afterward so i cried.

after my recent (and debatably only) truly physically severe punishment, i did not cry at all. i think this was because it was so physically challenging-- i was focusing on getting through it. if the emotional intensity matched the physical intensity then maybe it would have happened but i'm not sure.

i am a person who feels very strongly with everything that i feel (not in a manic-depressive way, just in a passionate way), and i have always cried very easily. i like the idea of crying from a spanking not because i feel the need for a clean slate or a release or forgiveness, but because for me it marks a level of emotional intensity that i really like to get inside of. real, involuntary crying shows extreme vulnerability, and in my relationship we play with that a lot and it appeals to me.

sarah thorne 12-29-2006 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by persephone (Post 1543)
real, involuntary crying shows extreme vulnerability, and in my relationship we play with that a lot and it appeals to me.

This appeals to me as well - but is also incredibly terrifying for me. It also shows a loss of control, and control is something in virtually all areas of my life that I try to maintain. My struggle with crying, or NOT crying, is deeply psychological and I have pondered quite at length for years over it.

Shall I give the short answer or long answer....? :D

Short answer is this: I resist crying at all costs. I resist expressing emotion to a great degree, and crying is an extreme form of emotion expression.

I like the idea of being able to cry freely without care of how vulnerable it makes me.

I don't believe I have ever really cried after a spanking. I have been tearful - and RG defines this as crying - but when I think of crying, I think of --- well, crying. lol. Sobs. Not necessarily hysterical, but sobbing and free flowing tears. In the rare times that I have cried by my own definition, I have been careful not to do it unless I was alone - and usually for very emotionally wrenching reasons, or because I feel a lack of control in a certain area of my life with no obvious way to regain that control.

Allowing the few tears to fall that I have has been a tremendous step - but as for feeling any kind of release or such from crying -- Nope, hasn't happened.


MichiganHeadmaster 12-29-2006 07:06 PM

I meet one woman monthly for discipline spankings (her husband won't provide them, as he can't bring himself to "hurt" her). We've meet three times; the last two for specific infractions. She resisted up to the end but the combination of harshness and scolding put her over the edge. She absolutely hated admitted she cried, though, and hid her face as long as possible.

Another girl I played with wanted to experience release, and had previously resisted all the way. Took tying her down over a table, and then three dozen strokes with a braided belt to bring her over the edge, and then the floodgates opened. She alternately cursed me out and thanked me for days afterward.

Other than that, no, but then I've only spanked around 8 or 9 girls total.

BlackVelvet007 12-29-2006 08:43 PM

Loaded question. As a male spanker, does it make me look bad to say I LIKE it when a spankee bawls like a baby over my lap? It usually falls under "fantasies I enjoy which I don't get to enact" because, as the opening post says, spankees rarely cry for various reasons. Occasionally, like Amber said, when it's disciplinary and the spankee enters the right mindset, it CAN happen and in truth it's amazing on both sides when it does. Just lay out as much time for aftercare as necessary.

Adelina 12-30-2006 01:50 AM

Hmm. The bawl-like-a-baby deal has always been a part of my fantasies. It's a very attractive element to me, turns me on if someone tells me that's their plan for me. I wonder why I'm so different? I feel like I must be missing something!

Maybe it's because I don't do discipline? That it isn't directly connected to pesky emotions?

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