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welcraft1997 11-03-2011 05:36 PM

Here come the judge whipping his daughter
Ok, we are all spankos. We have all seen the video. It has evoked a lot of different feelings from us. Today, we heard from the Mother and the Daughter

I will share my feelings on this first. It instantly brought me back to my childhood. My father was a strict disciplinarian and it was always his strap.
I did some outrageously wrong and dangerous things as a youngster. I got
a couple of dozen licks from a trucker when I did bad. (hows ringing the fire alarm at the corner in the city on Thanksgiving Day as a punishable offence?)
But, there were times not many but a few when he was under stress and I got a good licking for a minor reason. And, that's where this took me back too.

My Dad is 83. I love him dearly. We became good friends when I was in my twenties. I thank him for the discipline that I deserved and I forgave him for losing his temper sometimes too.

I have a 21 and 16 year old. I never spanked them. I get too much pleasure
form the art of spanking to take that chance with my children and their discipline. I won't go there.

They have felt my hand on several occasions with slaps below the neck and away from the buttocks. These corrections are reserved for times when they are out of control and often hysterical.

My daughter is the worst. Tell her something she doesn't want to hear or do
and she can work herself into a lather where she is cursing us out and heading for the front door. This is what the "Time out" generation is like these days. I wish I had a camera planted and a video to play of my daughter wigging out and what that is like! She makes the Judge look rational and sane. I know a lot of us with teenagers have the same problem.

In my humble opinion, it is Texas, a belt whipping is legal there, this teen was being defiant even during the whipping, who knows what her hidden agenda was, as for the disability, she was caught stealing and she looked fine at 16 and today at 23 on TV. She got what she deserved.

HOWEVER, she DID NOT deserve the verbal abuse and being whipped by an angry parent. There should have been a time out for everyone, a meeting to explain the wrong doing and then the metting out of the punishment and a later meeting to discuss all the events and expectations going forward.

Just my humble opinion folks. I shared mine. would you like to share your?

garyspk 11-03-2011 07:49 PM

The thing I hate about this is once again, spanking/discipline gets in the mainstream news because of some over-the-top psycho.

There have been many threads over the past few years on this forum and others, talking about when spanking hits mainstream media, it's always in a comical form or in the form of some nut like this Texas judge.

It makes it difficult to approach a somewhat vanilla/spanking-curious person, because that person will often associate spanking with a high-profile incident like this.

welcraft1997 11-03-2011 09:07 PM

Your right Gary. There goes the attendance at our next munches. Lol.

welcraft1997 11-05-2011 06:36 AM

Funny, how I mentioned that "who knows what her hidden agenda was".

So, she posted it to get back at her father because he wanted to cut back on her allowance and have her return his Mercedes she was using now at the age of 23, 7 years later.

bunstinger 11-07-2011 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by welcraft1997 (Post 18092)
Funny, how I mentioned that "who knows what her hidden agenda was".

So, she posted it to get back at her father because he wanted to cut back on her allowance and have her return his Mercedes she was using now at the age of 23, 7 years later.

I think this was simply a case of revenge being best served cold.

For what it's worth, her father IMO is the sort of idiot that makes the rest of us look bad.

garyspk 11-07-2011 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by bunstinger (Post 18103)
For what it's worth, her father IMO is the sort of idiot that makes the rest of us look bad.

That's kind of what I was trying to say earlier. Guys like this judge really make it difficult for us to approach the subject with vanilla folks.

Batman 11-25-2011 04:27 PM

I watched this video and was totally astonished by it as a former school teacher. This so-called father knows nothing about educational theory obviously. His daughter has a learning disability. She was not punished for stealing. I would have understood that. Listen to the dialogue. She was punished for playing a game on the computer. That is not stealing rather recreation. And, guess what? Kids need recreation. I wouldn't be where I am today if I had been an "all work, no play" person.

My parents were wise and instilled the value of breaks to clear the mind. I am completely appalled by the idea that this guy held a spot as a judge. I wouldn't want him serving as a dog catcher. One little escape from an enclosure would probably bring the poor animal a lethal injection at this guy's hands.

It's too bad the statute of limitations has run out for prosecution. He needs to be jailed and shown what happens to child abusers in prisons.

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