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EmmyDoll 03-21-2007 04:09 PM

Kaylex and Emmy Show: Part Dos.
The first episode of the Kaylex and Emmy show was such a hit that the network decided to extend our contract onto a second part. We would like to thank all the members of our studio audience who participated and the sponsers who aren't really are sponsers, but definantly would be after spanking us for making fun of their conversational skills or their accents, but none the less, our sponsers would be very dedicated.

We would also like to remind certain topish members that threating to spank the co-hosts is NOT allowed. Things like bedtimes, eating habits, and bratty mouths are not a concern for them and all threating emails involving a good spanking from a hairbrush or a bedtime spanking from uncles should cease and desist at this time. Emmy would also like to remind her very lovely cohost to destroy that certain implement which detests and do it very quickly.

Now that is over, its onto the disscussion, which this show is about. NOT about spanking the co-hosts, which we will continue to remind you. However, Kaylex and I raised a mini discussion in IM's recently about certain topic that we will disscuss on this show. One that took first priority. The question concering our families?

This involves several questions: Does anyone's family know? (other then spouces who are involved in the scene or not) How did you break it to them? What was their reaction? And for those whose family does not know... Do you want to tell them? How would you do it? What reaction do you see them having?

I will begin this disscussion. No. My family does not know about certain 'interests,' with the exception of my brother who is my closest friend and I knew he would not judge me. I told him when I was a sophomore in highschool, just short of breaking up with a guy who didn't fill that void. I told him that I wanted some one stricter, he asked me to explain and by that point I was so upset that I blurted it out. He just smiled, hugged me, and whisphered "Everyone has their little things." Later I found out that he himself isn't vanilla, but isn't into just the spanking scene, his and Kayla's lifestyle is more BDSM scene. Since that time I've been able to talk to Andrew about my needs and he's able to talk to me about him and Kayla. Everyone finds that awkward that my brother and I can talk about our desires, even if society considers them weird, but that is how my brother and I have always been.

But that is the only member of my family that knows. I would be scared to tell my parents, my father is a missionary and kinda creeps me out. As for my mother, well, not a big deal I've already dissapointed her enough... whats one more?

rangerboy 03-21-2007 06:06 PM

No, apart from my It isn't just this kink though.....I love my parents and my sisters dearly but we are Irish Catholics and products of the American would make me very, very uncomfortable to talk about any activity that is even remotely intimate.

Funny thing is, we'll have drinks and gossip and laugh about cousins, aunts, uncles, in-laws, etc.....but not a word about ourselves.

I guess that isn't too unusual for folks from my generation. Interested in hearing from others on this topic.

Hope to "see" everyone at chat tonight.


hot-spanker 03-22-2007 06:47 AM

Every body in my imediate family has known about my spankin' thang for years so its no longer an issue.they just roll their eyes if i mention it. I have'nt mentioned it at church directly,but it's come up in conversation a time or two. Ive never realy tried to hide it. I'm actually kinda looking for some good "spanko" t-shirts or caps. Hot-spanker

BlackVelvet007 03-22-2007 10:15 AM

My family represents the complete spectrum. No one in my family knows anything about my spanking fetish. My Dad could PROBABLY handle the info, but he doesn't want to know this stuff about me. My Mom could PROBABLY handle the info, but I don't particularly want to tell her. My Older Brother COULD NOT handle it, and I couldn't handle him knowing. My Sister-in-Law would PROBABLY be cool about it.....but she'd tell my brother.

LondonTanner 03-22-2007 12:04 PM

Pretty Much everyone around me knows even my thirty year old daughter who often phones and asks "hows the spanking biz dad ?" I am even teaching my UPS man to throw and crack a singletail outside my workshop. Oh and yes my neighbors know :-)
~Ian The London Tanners

Improving behaviour one girl at a time.

lil_dixiedarling 03-22-2007 03:16 PM

No one in my family knows that this kink is a big part of who i am and i honestly don't know how i would break it to them...

My mother would absolutely freak out on me because anytime a hand or object is raised against another she views it as abuse - a product of a very emotional and physically abusive marriage....

It would be so much easier to just tell my friends and family then so i don't feel like i'm hiding half of myself or rather leaving half of myself in Texas when i leave my safe environment here and return to Vanillaworld...


emily 03-22-2007 09:42 PM

i think some of my family have an idea but they would never say anything out right. most of my close vanilla friends know i have a kinky side but dont know all of the specifics. ive actually told them about "Sanctuary" which is the dungeon in Dallas.. lol.. one actually said she'd be interested in goin some day :p

Thomas_III 03-22-2007 10:49 PM

I'm an open book. My family, friends and even coworkers know about my kink, and I tend to wear spanking-related clothes when I'm out and about. The only people that don't see that side of me are my nieces and nephew, who aren't old enough to know or care that their uncle is kinky, and the children of friends. Other than that, I'm an open book.

kaylex 03-23-2007 05:19 PM

Studio Audience I am surprised that so few of you have posted considering the high volumn of conversation this topic has seemed to spur in the chat room.

THat said I guess I should add my thoughts to the thread. I have a clear line of people who know about my spanking life. Professionally this could ruin me so I obviously keep people in that part of my life out of the know. THat said I don't look at it as living a double life. I wont lie about it. However if some one wants to know they better ask a point blank question others wise I'm not talking. But I woulnd't talk to these people about sex either so it's not like this is the only taboo topic.

As far as my family.... no they don't know. My mom knew I was going to spanking sites as a teenager (I didn't know to clear the history when my web surfing began). But Honestly I think her and my dad are into it so It's more of a don't ask don't tell kind of thing (Jokari paddle in the nightstand...come on). I wouldn't tell my brothers we aren't close like that. my sister... Maybe someday i'll tell her but really she won't get it.

That's the biggest obstacle for me about telling people. They just won't get it and they won't take the time to hear me out. I've struggled long and hard to get to the place where I am with all this. I know they won't and there will be judgement and drastic consequences.

So the line is drawn. I am thankful for the few friends I have who are on both sides of the line. Everyone else I still love dearly but they don't need to know.

OK Audience one more day to weigh in before we have a nice Top topic to delve into.

RB If you thought this was a graduate course at spanko university you haven't seen anything yet.



Gary D. 03-23-2007 06:37 PM

I'm not really sure about this one. I haven't told anyone such as family members, but after all these years there's bound to be some hint about it.
I have no plans to inform any of them as my parents are a very old fashioned and devout couple. I don't see any way they'd understand or accept. As for my brother....who knows he may be into this himself but privately just as I am. Fortunately I have my "spanking family" and can talk freely with them ;)

Gary D.

lynne 03-23-2007 07:26 PM

I have to admit the spanking and BDSM family that I have means more to me then my real family does. My mother doesn't know about my desire and I don't plan on telling her. She would more than likely think that I was being abused and would want me to call the cops. She lived with a guy who was phyically/emotionally/mentally abusive to her for 15 years so there would be no way to get her to understand that what I do is consentual or that I have a Dominate that controls me. As for my brother I dont have a close relationship with him so I doubt he could handle it either. I am semi-happy with my life and the way my fetish family takes care of me and that makes up for the way my real family acts.

Thomas_III 03-23-2007 07:50 PM

I think that people taking being "outed" too seriously, and are hurting the kink indirectly by doing so. Only by being open about our interests will the public at large even learn to accept what we do as a safe and sane activity. By hiding in the closets and dark corners, we exile ourselves to those recesses and out of the public's eye, thinking we're safe. However, hiding is what makes us seem like freaks, and that's the way that the world is going to view us.

This was the same for the homosexual community. Years ago, people would hide their sexuality for fear of being "outed" and have their lives ruined. Well, some homosexuals started to be more outspoken and in the public's eye. As people started to see that they were normal people, with just a different sexual perspective, they became accepted. Now, a person doesn't have to fear repercussions of revealing their sexuality. That progress wouldn't have come about if homosexuals continued to lurk in the shadows.

So, what makes us any different? Why must we put up a facade to those closest to us for fear of how they'll react? If homosexuality can be proclaimed without being reviled automatically, then why not spanking and other aspects of BDSM? Education is the first step to acceptance, and we can't educate the masses by wearing a mask. I, for one, am proud of my interests, and choose to not hide my true self from anyone. It will be those that are open about our kink, like myself, that will eventually earn acceptance for spankos.

If you're not a part of the solution, then you're part of the problem.

paully62 03-23-2007 09:34 PM

Nobody in my family knows anything. My two daughters are going crazy trying to figure out why I am going to Texas all the time. I have 2 co-workers who know but dont REALLY understand the interest. Sometimes it would be nice to get in front of everyone I know and say look......but in a vanilla world...well we all know the result. Anyway, I truly feel almost everybody has something that they think about and wouldnt tell anyone. I am grateful that there are many friends, both new and old here to share with.

lil_dixiedarling 03-23-2007 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Gary D. (Post 3323)
Fortunately I have my "spanking family" and can talk freely with them ;)

Gary D.

And we love talking freely with You....aren't we such a wonderful disfunctional family? :D

lil_babygirl 03-23-2007 10:13 PM

I have to say that I am very fortunate of not having to explain to my parents as they are both deceased. However, I'm lucky enough that my godfather (was best friends with my dad since I was age 5) knows of my kinks and orientation and is ok with it.

garyspk 03-23-2007 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by kaylex (Post 3321)
That's the biggest obstacle for me about telling people. They just won't get it and they won't take the time to hear me out. I've struggled long and hard to get to the place where I am with all this. I know they won't and there will be judgement and drastic consequences.

So the line is drawn. I am thankful for the few friends I have who are on both sides of the line. Everyone else I still love dearly but they don't need to know.


I feel strongly that there's no right or wrong way to handle this. Whatever works best for you and makes you the most comfortable is what I'm in favor of. You (anyone reading this) are the best judge of how to handle the people around you.

There are a number of people in my vanilla world who know I operate spanking websites. There are also a couple of ex's of mine who know I'm into the fetish but have no clue I'm doing this now. And yes, I do regret telling 2 or 3 of these people, but overall I have done a pretty good job of picking and choosing who to tell about this.

My best advice is "when in doubt, don't."

Gary D. 03-24-2007 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by garyspk (Post 3335)
I feel strongly that there's no right or wrong way to handle this. Whatever works best for you and makes you the most comfortable is what I'm in favor of.

My best advice is "when in doubt, don't."

Well said Gary S.......... I agree wholeheartedly.
and just to clarify a little misconception folks.........I will be spanking the cohosts. mwhahahaha

Gary D.

EmmyDoll 03-24-2007 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Gary D. (Post 3341)
Well said Gary S.......... I agree wholeheartedly.
and just to clarify a little misconception folks.........I will be spanking the cohosts. mwhahahaha

Gary D.

This topic sprung the interest and sharing of our many dedicated viewers. Well done and said, studio audience. I'm sure we could continue this disscussion for a few more nice posts, however, my lovely co-host and I would love to get the ball rolling on another topic. But we would first like to remind everyone, once again! There will be NO spanking of the co-hosts. Please do not make Kaylex and myself call the security of this show... you will not be pleased.

The next topic reigns in the tops more then the bottoms. We are all clear on the topic of subspace, and how bottom's easily slip into it in the midst of a spanking. But do Top have a topspace, if so, can it be explained. And no we are not talking about the 'top space' where you are so old you can't talk and spank at the same time. That's not top space! But any thoughts, opinions, views, and experiences would be nice to have contributed.

rangerboy 03-24-2007 10:47 AM

Top Space
Professors Emmy and Kaylex,

I swear you two are going to ruin my GPA with these hard seminar questions.....geeeezzzz....I wish now I'd signed up for the paddle making class.:mad:

I'm going to run some errands and give this one some serious thought before I try to contribute.


rangerboy 03-24-2007 11:07 AM

Top Space we go. Per usual, I will begin with the disclaimer that this is my experience only.

Have you ever found that the most fulfilling times in your life are when you are living outside of yourself and doing for others? The times you are most at ease with the world is when you aren't focused on your own problems but helping someone it volunteering, mentoring, teaching....have you ever felt that way?

Now I'm not going to try to associate Topping with some kind of Mother Teresa level of love and compassion but when a Bottom submits to you....allows you to fulfill their need, send them to a space or place where they want to be...that degree of trust....for me its fulfilling.

In a disciplinary role, even then, the Bottom has consented to non-sonsensuality....that is tremendous trust that they have placed on you to be fair, to be firm, and not to harm them physically or have to be "in-charge" and with great power goes great responsibility......and I get a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in a job well done.

So is there a "Top Space" like Bottoms get to "Bottom Space"....well no, I've never experienced it. But sending a Bottom to that space gives me a sense of fulfillment and I'm grateful that I was able to help someone go where they wanted to go.

One guys's point of view.


(Now this is in the context of fun and the erotic role...and that's ONLY with my wife.....she loves to feel my hand on her bottom and boy, what a gorgeous behind that woman more to be said on the topic ;) )

kaylex 03-24-2007 04:13 PM

good job following directions and posting
You all deserve a red star!

RB nice way to start this new topic. I wanted to make one more disclaimer about what kind of Top space we are NOT talking about.

We are NOT talking about falling asleep while you are spanking some one!

And if said event happens again the spanker will be cut off from further play:)

Ok Tops keeping posting, inquiring bottoms want to know!

paully62 03-24-2007 07:50 PM

Kaylex: That is a very fair addition to the rules however, it might be noteworthy to add one more. IF you are going to knock on someones door at 3:30 a.m. and expect a little play, you might be a touch less stoic whereas to keep spanker awake.

kaylex 03-25-2007 08:30 PM

Paully i did not ask for comments! And FYI folks the was All-State so late night play sessions are a given...

Now for the rest of you TOPS.... ANSWER THE QUESTION!!! We all know you get some addictive feeling out of spanking otherwise you wouldn't crave it so much. So go go go... write on...times a'wasting! Don't make me call on people!


BlackVelvet007 03-26-2007 02:03 AM

YES there is such a thing as "top space". It's hard to explain, but when you're engrossed in a scene, much in the same way that endorphins kick in with the spankee, the top enters a euphoric state. You have to be careful not to let it affect your skill as you continue spanking, but it's a true headspace being entered.

emily 03-26-2007 07:13 PM

i think the Tops are askeered of this question.. :D c'mon boys an girls show us Your vulnerable side :cool:

kaylex 03-26-2007 07:21 PM

Aright Folks
Alright folks! Since the tops seem not to respond when asked with the exception of BV and RB... nice Job guys. Let's open the floor to everyone.

Our special guest Carla helped out with this question today. It's on communication. At a party when playing with various tops and bottoms (and no we are not talking about your wardrobe changes... although i'm the first to tell you that is SUPER fun) How do you expect the person you're playing with to communicate to you...Verbally (asking, telling, code words), actions, both, neither?

We know we are all different and some people will post as if to say "duh?" but I'm certain we'll have people all over the map on this one. So POST ON!!!!

Waiting to hear,

Gary D. 03-26-2007 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by kaylex (Post 3374)
Alright folks! Since the tops seem not to respond when asked with the exception of BV and RB... nice Job guys. Let's open the floor to everyone.

We know we are all different and some people will post as if to say "duh?" but I'm certain we'll have people all over the map on this one. So POST ON!!!!

Waiting to hear,

Let me start this one off with a great big "duh"....( you're welcome Kaylex)
Seriously though all of the actions mentioned are preferred / desired in some form or another or all combined in some cases. As a Top it is very desirable and necessary to have some form of communication from the Bottom. Since everyone is different the communication can come in different forms therefore it is most important to "learn" ( be familiar with or be able to read) the person you are playing with. For first time plays between a couple, talk first and get some basics established. As for communicating while play is in progress, I would always choose/prefer a combination of both verbal and actions communique, but knowing this is not possible with each and every individual I try to focus on their individual ways of communicating.

Gary D.

kaylex 03-27-2007 05:25 PM

This is not a "Duh" question!
Let me expound!

Most of you know I LOVE to play! For many, many, many different reasons and depending on the reason I'm playing it changes what kind of communication I want.

So If I'm Pure playing... Let's talk! Let's joke and Brat and talk about what things feel like and what effect there having or not having. Let's talk about our pasts and the stories about different toys and times.

If it's roleplay let's talk first and then PLAY!!! I don't like stopping a scene to talk.

If it's Discipline... I want to be talked to and I will answer questions but I will probably not give you much else. I've never cried, I don't usually yell out or give much reaction beyond looking miserable and sorry.

If it's stress relief.......HUSH!!!! I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to think about what you're saying. I want to slip into subspace bliss...SILENTLY! The only exception to this would be if this is after a really hard weekend of play then there needs to be a bit more communication as to what the spanking needs to feel like to help get me to that place.

OK so that's me, I may be just a tad bit stoic(?)...What about YOU?


paully62 03-27-2007 11:14 PM

Before setting out on spanking play, I will talk to the young lady as much as possible before hand. Although my tenure in this area is young, my love for it goes more than 30 years. I really strive to find out exactly what she is expecting from the experience and try to mold it to my own wants and needs. It has been quite curious for me to see just how different the various young ladies are in their wants. Some want true discipline where some would never accept any from of correction. Some cant take that much whereas some you can seem to spank for hours with little reaction. I find out all I can and try and hit the scene running. I feel most experiences have gone well for both participants. btw...if you are reading this and we have played and you didnt like it...keep it your yourself. ...fragile top ego at stake here

BlackVelvet007 03-27-2007 11:55 PM

I like Kaylex's reply. That works.

For myself, I usually don't say much during a scene. I certainly have no problem engaging in conversation during a scene, but for the most part I'm so focused on spanking that beautiful bottom that I don't really chatter.

In a case of discipline, I'm inclined to scold based on what the discipline is for. That's kind of tricky though because words hit harder than the implement.

Roleplay is completely different. I'll run my mouth the whole scene as part of my character. Especially when I do my "State Trooper" roleplay.

And of course, ALWAYS keep an attentive ear open for safewords.

dragonbratling 03-29-2007 09:12 PM

some of my family know, but i dont worry about. I think if anyone in my family sees me online here, or recognizes me online then i'm not the only one with this fetish.

emily 03-29-2007 09:28 PM

i have those same feelings.. if someone sees me online or ata party then heck they're into it to why stress out about it? that's why i have no problem using my real name "emily" online.


Originally Posted by dragonbratling (Post 3421)
some of my family know, but i dont worry about. I think if anyone in my family sees me online here, or recognizes me online then i'm not the only one with this fetish.

nightowl 03-29-2007 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by lil_dixiedarling (Post 3331)
And we love talking freely with You....aren't we such a wonderful disfunctional family? :D

I agree we are a wonderfully dysfunctional family indeed and I love it. I tell my "spanko" friends more about my life, desires, dreams, fears than any vanilla friend I've EVER had. I guess it's because we are so open about something so private as our need to be spanked/give spankings, that other subjects just arent' taboo, everything is fair game.

The only family member who knows is my 22 year old daughter....she didn't understand how it could turn me on, or my need for disicipline, but since she has her own kinks, she deals with it (and the fact that I live in a nudsit community). I would never consider telling any other family member.

I only a 2 friends who know and one of them has joined our local group here in wierd to have a friend/co-worker who is into the scene and comes to parties with me.....

kaylex 03-31-2007 01:52 AM

Kaylex and Emmy Show Slogan
Hey Folks,
Emmy and I need you help. We are trying to come up with a slogan for the Kaylex and Emmy Show (KES). With Emmy off galavanting and playing this weekend (wink wink). The job of figuring out a slogan falls to me.

So I'm giving it to all of you. Emmy and company have come up with two:

KES this!
would you like spanking with that?

So come on crazy creative people out thier help us out we need more options!

Spanks out,

Achilles 03-31-2007 02:43 PM

And now, from our world headquarters in the van across from Paciugo, we present the:

Top 10 Proposed Slogans for the Kaylex and Emmy Show

10 - Where There's Always a Hot Topic
9 - E Pluribus Spankum!
8 - The Home of Backtalk
7 - Where Larry King Meets SpanKing
6 - KES We Say So!
5 - Caution: Nates Are Extremely Hot
4 - This End Up
3 - Sass With Class
2 - Your Hindquarters Headquarters

and the number 1 proposed slogan (drum roll please....)

1 - The Bare Truth

We've got a great show tonight so stick with us... coming up after the break, actress Sarah Polley and musical guest Barenaked Ladies.

teefortexas 03-31-2007 03:59 PM

LOL! Good 'erns, Achilles!
Say, can I borrow that thinking cap?


EmmyDoll 03-31-2007 10:11 PM

Oh yay! Oh yay! Oh yay!

Emmy and Co. were so excited when we decided that the KES show publishing might benifit more if we had a slogan.

Those are amazing! Keep em coming! We'll get back to serious spanking disscussion when Kaylex and myself are back and settled into our respective homes.

As for my dear friend Terry.

I love you!!! You're soooo fun!

jerseysweet 04-01-2007 04:02 PM

I'm moving this back to the family question. Does my family know?

Most of them know, yes. By choice? No. My mom found out when I was about 13 (I knew how to clear the history but not so much about phone bills...oops). My oldest brother found out because in my family, he's the oldest male in the house and knows everything that goes on. He's cool with it - he's kinky too. He's a furry and so is his fiance. My mom knows but does approve. She thinks I should wait until after college, etc to worry about this stuff. I told her impossible. We don't really talk about it, simply because I don't want to hear her judgements, etc.

My youngest brother knows, much to my disappointment. I haven't figured out how he found out but he has been a very bad thing for me. He has actually told two boyfriends and one prospective boyfriend, about it. *sigh*

RG_ 04-01-2007 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by nightowl (Post 3426)
...and the fact that I live in a nudsit community...

So maybe this has already been discussed since I've been scarce lately, but...

...that's an interesting combination, nightowww. Being a spanko AND living in a nudist community. I take it that there's no secrets about the spanko kink there, huh?!! :D

BlackVelvet007 04-02-2007 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by jerseysweet (Post 3441)
My youngest brother knows, much to my disappointment. I haven't figured out how he found out but he has been a very bad thing for me. He has actually told two boyfriends and one prospective boyfriend, about it. *sigh*

Sheesh. It's lousy to be "outed" like that. Sorry that happened.

That raises another question, if the hostesses of "the show" don't mind. How many folks here have "outing" stories? Good or bad?

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