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Veronica Daniels 11-20-2007 11:23 AM

Important Message
This community has been a great support and wonderful friendly place for me and I want to share what has happened to me this week with you all so you know why I am going away for a period of time.

Yesterday I was out'ed to my ex-husband by someone who wishes to remain anonymous and will not even say who they are. My ex who knew nothing of my business has now given me 24 hours to remove all of our sites and related blogs from the internet or will go to child protective services and try to take my precious child from me. I cannot allow that to happen. So I have made the very difficult decision of removing our blogs and our site from the internet for a period of time until I can obtain counsel and decide my course and what is best for my child.

I know I am not the first person who has had this happen in the community and nor will I be the last. It makes me sick and I am reeling with hurt, anger, outrage, and grief. We are all regular people people and this fetish does not make us un-fit parents or sickos, but that is the perception of many.

I have never done anything to endanger my child, but I am being threatened in no uncertain terms because that is the perception.

Thank you all for all the wonderful support and kindness you have given to me over the past year! I want you to know how much I appreciate it.

Faithfully yours-

Nomad 11-20-2007 12:15 PM

WOW, I am sorry to hear this for you two. I hope everything works out for you, and you are back on-line providing a service I know a lot out there use. And more important that you no longer have the fear for your children in this regards.

andybrom 11-20-2007 01:18 PM

Sorry to hear about your troubles,there are some nasty people about aren't there. Hope to hear from you soon when this terrible mess is sorted out.

sarah thorne 11-20-2007 04:32 PM

How cruel! And how cowardly for someone to do such a thing!

This is one of my biggest fears, having children myself. It is the main reason why I do not allow my face to be shown in pictures of myself in kink-related activities.

I wish you the best, Veronica. As a parent, who is fiercely protective of my own children's well-being, can empathize and back you up in the assertion that being kinky and a bit of an exhibitionist in no way makes one a bad parent. But we must do what we need to do to protect them at pretty much all costs.


rangerboy 11-20-2007 08:02 PM

You Are in Thought

I met you and Dr. D at Texas All State this year and I found you both to be marvelous folks. I am so sorry that some cowardly moron had to put you through this....the community is with you and you will be in thought until this idiocy gets resolved.

Warmest regards,


emily 11-20-2007 08:24 PM

The same thing happened to me not to long ago. Luckily it turned out ok and my ex actually took it better than I expected. I was so scared and knew it could have been a really bad situation. Like you I'll do whatever it takes for my children even if it meant leaving the lifestyle. I hope and pray that everything works out for you and your little one. Using our precious children against us is the absolute most piss poor trick in the book.

jujubees1 11-20-2007 09:52 PM

I'm really sorry Veronica. I hope you get this resolved quickly and can resume your life on your own terms. The prejudice that is still out there in the world regarding this kink sickens me. I hope you find peace.

Adelina 11-20-2007 10:25 PM

I am so sorry to hear about this, Veronica.

I'd like to say this is unbelievable, but it's not. There's so very much misunderstanding and disapproval of alternative lifestyles, it's entirely plausible that people who take actions like this really believe they do so to protect children from our twisted influences. I don't know what drives this case, if its genuine concern or mere vindictiveness. Either way, it's a terrible position to be in.

I feel pained on your behalf, Veronica. I know I would do anything, ANYTHING to protect my precious little girl, and I admire your decision to pull out. It sounds like the right thing to do under the circumstances. I will pray for a favorable outcome for you and your child.

jackie seven 11-20-2007 11:17 PM

Every time I think we may be making some progress, that is the spanking fetish slowly becoming more excepted as an alternative life style, I hear something like this. And it makes me realize that perhaps all the paranoia that we've all grown up with while hiding this interest from others was justified after all.

It takes a real creep to do something like this. Best of luck to you, Veronica, in resolving this situation. I have enjoyed your blog and all of your work and will miss it greatly. Hopefully this will just be a temporary setback. And hopefully, karma will deal with the person who did this to you.

hwyman 11-20-2007 11:24 PM

That is terrible Veronica! Good luck on your efforts. Hope you come back after you get your mess squared away.

Batman 11-20-2007 11:32 PM

I still think it is more accepted in general. However, this is a custody battle. This person may be creating a disdain for TTWD to try and get his children or harass his ex which is more likely. Either way, this is a rotten thing to have happen. Hope to see you back soon, Veronica.

scChris 11-21-2007 02:35 AM

I am really sorry to hear about your hardship. You are doing the right thing to protect what is yours, though it is awful to have to make a decision like that. I sincerely hope that everything works out for you.

BlackVelvet007 11-21-2007 02:48 AM

Veronica, check out the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom online. It's an organization founded by Susan Wright which provides legal assistance for occasions just like this. I believe their website is but you can also Google it. I know you're a very formidable woman. Don't let this jackass win.

EricaScott 11-21-2007 03:13 AM

You know, some people really suck.

Veronica, as you can see, you have tons of support. Hang in there, do whatever you need to do, and we'll all be here waiting. I hope you find some good counsel who will work with you and help you solve this mess. You are devoted to your child and everyone who knows you, knows that. -- Erica

RG_ 11-21-2007 05:02 AM

That's awful, Veronica. There's no excuse for your ex's actions. It's mean-spirited, vindictive, and says much more about him than it does about you. I know that this is a terrible blow on several different fronts and has no easy resolution. You have my thoughts with you as you and D navigate this difficult path.

Veronica Daniels 11-21-2007 11:39 AM

Thank you all so very much for the very kind and supportive comments. The past three days have literally been hell for me. I continue to vascillate between crying and anger. Thanks to you 007, I have a contact number now for a licensed mediator here who may be able to help me. Unfortunately none of the lawyers they have are in my state. But thank you for the resource because it may help.

If anyone knows a lawyer able to practice in Colorado who works in family law or the area of civil rights, please let me know.

I am overwhelmed by the support I have gotten and I want you to know how much it means to me right now when I feel I have no one I can talk to except Dr. D who has his own set of feelings about the whole mess.


lil_dixiedarling 11-21-2007 11:39 AM

I just wanted to add my support...I briefly met both Veronica and Dr. D at the last TASSP and they were nothing but nice to me so i wish you the very best.

spankingprincess2005 11-21-2007 02:54 PM

Important message
i am very sorry to hear that about your situation i hope things works out for you and it really sucks that your ex will do that to you .. but you r in my thoughts and prayers i hope every thing goes okay for you ....

love ya
crystal :)

FloridaMichael 11-21-2007 08:33 PM

It pains me to read what you are going through. I agree with RG and others who suggest, this is plain old vindictiveness and a desire to gain leverage.
The motive probably is adult power politics, more than the good of the child. And that goes for the ex, as well as the person who tipped him off.
I just hope you can find an attorney in your state who will cut through the nonsense and fight for your rights.
I met you and Dr. D at the Florida Moonshine party last winter, and I found you both to be down to earth and quite personable. I've also enjoyed your videos as a couple this year!
I fully understand why you have to take a break now. I trust that you know, we will all be waiting for you, when you come out on the other side of this situation.

mitch_philbin 11-21-2007 09:59 PM


I have been reading bits and pieces in the community for a couple of days now. I, too, am angered by your situation, and want to express both my support and fervent wish that all works out fine. It's too bad that folks don't understand what this is all about, and assume the worst. Please stay strong!

My best,

mitch philbin

emily 11-21-2007 10:09 PM

When my ex-mother-in-law tried to ruin me by outting me to my ex I told him straight out how I felt and what this lifestyle was for me. And then I told him to take a look at our 2 boys and tell me if they are unhappy or of they were not taken care of properly. They're both happy and really great kids. Nothing bout this lifestyle puts them our myself in danger. It makes me hapy and makes me feel like a much better person and I believe it helps me to be a much better parent. Luckily my ex had a great open mind and listened. He didnt totally understand it all or agree with it all but did agree on the factor that it wasnt effecting our children in a negative way. Thats what mattered. He said whatever I did in my own private time was my business. He actually enjoyed looking at my blog and some of the pics lol. So it felt really nice to be able to practically rub it in my bitch ex mother-in-law's face. I still watch my back where she's concerned b/c she's proved to me she looks for any reason to cause drama.

BlackVelvet007 11-22-2007 12:05 AM

I sent a private message to Veronica. Hope it helps some more. Glad NCSF was able to provide some assistance so far. Keep up the good fight.

Jean-Paul 11-22-2007 11:20 AM

I am so sorry that you are having to go through this because of some
closed minded idiot.I will pray that everything works out for you and
that you can quickly resume your passion.You are a wonderful person
and I am sure that you are a great mother.Best of luck to you.


mzdaddy 11-22-2007 05:26 PM

Would like to help
Veronica I may be able to find you that Lawyer, this is beyond description an injustice. I have never met you, I wish I did. I live in englewood Colo. You can reach me at To think this lifestyle would in any way make you less of a caring parent is moronic. Some people have zero braincells working. I hope I can help or that you get help. You are so much supported by a great deal of people. Hope to see you at Bandemere some time. But most of all I hope your problem is resolved soon. Take care.

Veronica Daniels 11-23-2007 01:20 PM

A Message from The Spanking Couple
A Message from The Spanking Couple

This week we experienced a very difficult and outrageous event. Veronica was out'ed in a very hostile and disturbing fashion that has affected she and her family very deeply. Part of this "out'ing" included an act of blackmail - threatening that if she did not remove all of our sites and related blogs from the internet something much more serious and bad would happen to her and her family because she is apparently "spreading evil" , "endangering" her family, and “should not be in our community”. Those of you who know Veronica know one thing to be true, she values her family and would protect them from harm above all else. So, to that end and in order to prevent this person(s) from acting on this heinous threat, we have taken our site down until this matter can be investigated further.

While this all sounds crazy and surreal, it is all true. It is unconscionable to those of us who understand that living an alternative lifestyle does not make one a sick, bad, or an unfit person. However, sadly we live in a time where people still do feel that way. There are still many mis-perceptions and prejudices against those who live an alternative lifestyle or have the courage to speak out about an issue that may be controversial. Certainly, thank goodness we do still live in a free country where we do have the right to speak freely and express ourselves openly. However, many individuals do not support that ideal and do not support diversity and acceptance of differences. That is profoundly sad.

Those of you who know us and know what we stand for know that any expression contained on our site was between consenting adults and never ever would we condone the endangerment of a child or the spanking of a child. We do not believe in that nor have we ever condoned or supported it! We do not believe in exposing children to adult material or spanking and never have.

Psychological research has shown clearly that there is no evidence that a consenting adult engaging in an alternative life-style is psychologically ill or unable to be a fit and healthy parent and person. There is no connection in psychological research between living an alternative life-style and being an abusive or unfit parent. However, uneducated and uninformed people still believe that to be true. Very sad.

The person or parties doing this remain unknown at this time, and are carefully remaining anonymous. However, since these threats to Veronica are serious and could cause damage to a minor should they chose to act on their threats we have notified local authorities in the computer and hate crime divisions and are consulting with attorneys. Needless to say this is a serious matter and will be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law by criminal and civil means. I have personally called in some favors from associates in the intelligence community and feel confident the perpetrator of this cowardly act will be identified.

Needless to say Veronica is devastated and overwhelmed. Because of this heinous act we are taking a hiatus from our sites in order to consult with attorneys and experts in this area to decide a course of action.

It is a sad truth that many people still perceive spanking as some sort of fetish that is sick and makes us unfit people and/or parents if we participate in it. One of the reasons we started our site was to show that this is a common and everyday fetish that many individuals and couples enjoy as consenting adults that is not sick or wrong. We will continue to stand strong in our belief in the basic civil rights in this great country we have the privilege to live in.

We thank you for all of your support and understanding during this very difficult time. We simply ask for you patience and understanding. We have always provided superior customer service and will continue to do so. We will make this right to our loyal members and supporters. We know you may need to contact us and may do so at: or through the

Faithfully Yours,

For more information on this topic, please visit The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom at:

dragonbratling 11-23-2007 06:27 PM

I am so sorry this happened to you, Veronica. I did not get to meet you both personally at the Tx All State party but i did get to see several exhibits. my thoughts and prayers are with you during this trial. I am sure things will work out for the best. You will be missed while you are dealing with this. that is a chicken way of doing things. I know many parents in this lifestyle and their children are very well protected against it, and I cannot imagine you doing anything less. please keep us informed if you can

dragonbratling aka txbratling aka carla

ToddnSuzy 11-24-2007 12:23 AM

Very sad to read this, Veronica. Scary too. We wonder if your husband was just bluffing. If he actually wanted custody, why say anything at all... why not just go straight for custody. Seems more like a power-play to us. Of course, you can't possibly risk it until you know exactly where you stand.

Also wonder what possible motivation this anonymous person had.

We're upset just reading about this! Can't begin to imagine what you're going through.

Wish we could do something. You will be in our thoughts though, and we really do hope this all works out.


dabillmann 11-24-2007 02:21 AM

Veronica, Darlin', I am apalled and disgusted by your exes behaviour, yet, sadly, un surprised. My wife and I have no children but we are very close to my two neices and my nephew, and one of my greates fears is that one of my sisters, my brother-in-law or my parents will discover my fetish and refuse to allow me to see these beautiful, wonderful children. I don't know why, but for some reason I think they would. I guess I'm worried that they might decide that I would corrupt the kids morals or something. Veronica, Hon, you BE STRONG! I'm holding out a lot of hope for you that you will find the right lawyer and get this matter resolved. In the meantime, try to remember that there are a lot of people out here on the web that care about you and are pulling for you. And when this is all over, if you manage to get your site back up, I want you and Doctor D to dedicate every update for one year to your ex and to the miserable SOB who couldn't mind their own buisness. And Doctor D, do me a favor and give her a big reassuring hug for me, please. Take care, Veronica, and remember that I believe you will overcome this.
Yours with genuine affection,

calif_sweetheart1961 11-24-2007 08:31 PM

Dr D and Veronica
I am so sorry that you both are going through this difficult time. Some people simply don't understand spanking and the lifestyle. They are clueless. I have never met you both but wish you both good luck as you both sort out this mess. I am glad that you have support behind you!

Oldtimersammy 11-24-2007 08:49 PM

Dr D & Veronica; Good luck in your nasty predicament. Good people like yourselves, will always win out.


dandy40don 11-24-2007 09:27 PM

Hi There Veronica Let's Go To Live Chat And Personal Chat.


emily 11-25-2007 12:16 AM

Oh dear gawsh!!!


Originally Posted by dandy40don (Post 6801)
Hi There Veronica Let's Go To Live Chat And Personal Chat.


spanked~amber 11-25-2007 03:00 AM

It just sickens me to know that two of the finest people in the community are being attacked in such a vindictive and cruel way. Remember that there are so many here in your corner.

HandMarks 11-25-2007 04:49 AM

I don't really think we're in a position to judge her ex husband. If it were Child services threatening to take her kid to a foster home that would be a different matter but this is the kids father merely telling her to quit her day job in the interests of the child. If there's blackmail and threats involved (which doesnt seem to involve the ex from what I've read so far) then thats a seperate matter. Wether we like it or not minors do have access to this stuff. I'm sure anyone here who grew up with the internet and a spanking fetish will agree :) So how would you have liked to go to school and find a picture of your mother getting spanked taped to your locker?
Sorry, but let's not blow it out of proportion. It's not exactly Sophie's choice here.

(Should add that I'm assuming the ex is the childs biological father although it hasnt been established. If it isn't then I agree with everyone else)

tubaman 11-25-2007 07:33 AM

I am so sorry to hear of your troubles. There is nobody I know of who is LESS deserving of such treatment. Your ex and his "friend" are cowards and idiots.

One question: Though I am so happy to have your pictures in my book, if you need me to remove them to protect you and yours, just say the word.

Again, my sincerest regrets for your troubles. Maybe something will work out.

Paul (Tubaman)

Veronica Daniels 11-25-2007 12:10 PM


Thank you for your kind words. I was sorry to hear of your Mother and please know you are also in our thoughts and prayers.

As for the book, yes, no images can appear of me or Dr. D. I making that decision for my child's best interests.

Thank you very much and best to you always-

BareSpanker 11-25-2007 10:56 PM

You'll Get Through This
I know you've taken down some sites but that could be perhaps be construed as an admission that you thought there was something wrong with them. I'm sure you've gotten a good advisor... do whatever he/she says. of course.....

This is merely for consideration: I was wondering if maybe you should add back a message to your sites such as: "We are and always have been strongly committedd to the safety and well being of all children. We are adamantlly against the spanking of children. Our websites have been taken down at the moment but in the past they were nothing more or less than a perfecly ethical, moral and legal inestigation into harmless forms of erotic play amongst consenting adults..... etc. etc.."

P.S. I'm sure you could get hundreds of us to swear out affidavits confirming that such statements about you and your websites are true.

Wish there was something folks out here could do to help. If there is let us all know.

spanked~amber 11-26-2007 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by HandMarks (Post 6812)
I don't really think we're in a position to judge her ex husband. If it were Child services threatening to take her kid to a foster home that would be a different matter but this is the kids father merely telling her to quit her day job in the interests of the child. If there's blackmail and threats involved (which doesnt seem to involve the ex from what I've read so far) then thats a seperate matter. Wether we like it or not minors do have access to this stuff. I'm sure anyone here who grew up with the internet and a spanking fetish will agree :) So how would you have liked to go to school and find a picture of your mother getting spanked taped to your locker?
Sorry, but let's not blow it out of proportion. It's not exactly Sophie's choice here.

(Should add that I'm assuming the ex is the childs biological father although it hasnt been established. If it isn't then I agree with everyone else)

Interesting observation. First time I've seen you post here HandsMark. What a way to jump in and introduce yourself. Blackmail is pretty severe when it comes to "the interest of a child." From what I have read Veronica is a making a sacrifice like any loving mother would do. As a mom who has been through a nasty custody battle it is fair for me to say it is more than just "telling her to quit her day job." If that were the case then it wouldn't be so upsetting. This is demanding that she give up a something that is a part of her. Just a curious thought... What if all the actors in the world who are divorced blackmailed their ex's that they have to stop being an actor "or else" when it comes to their rights as a parent ? Hollywood would be in a helluva lot of trouble.

HandMarks 11-26-2007 03:48 AM

I think a mother and a father (and non one else) are both entitled to there opinions on whats best for their child. It they're both on board with starring in spanking movies then so be it. If the father is a deadbeat then it's none of his business however we don't know this. I'm not going to pretend it wouldnt be better for the child to not have to deal with this. And it's not a lifestyle or a part of her. It is a job. We're not talking about what they do with friends or each other in private. We're talking about they're business.
What doesnt sit right with me is that this started out as a custody type thing in the first post and then (presumably after legal council was sought) it suddenly became a situation of threats from unknown parties and blackmail and hate crimes against spanko's which now concerns all of us. If that is the case then it should be fought against by everyone here but I've noticed that everything is worded in legal terms and void of any actual information.
This is a very vague situation so far and I'm not so sure we're getting an accurate portrayal of whats happening. Maybe it's just legal maneuvering in which case we're supporting someone blindly. More facts would be helpful.

Adelina 11-26-2007 04:04 AM

HandMarks: Firstly, I second what Amber said--interesting way to jump in and say hi.

You have some valid points. I actually agree with your take that the biological father does have a right to be concerned for his child's welfare, even if his concern is misguided. Happens all the time in custody cases.

However, I think, perhaps since you are new, you are missing the reality that for many members here, Veronica is not merely a spanking model on the screen; she is a friend in the real, physical world. Many people here have met her in person, have done play with her, have done videos with her, are aware of all the hard work put in and obstacles jumped to get her site off the ground, and consider her a friend, in the vanilla sense, beyond any spanking involvement. People are concerned for her because they know her, not just because she's a spanko.

The implications here that affect everyone are that a child is involved, which cuts straight to those of us who are parents, and that she was outed in a vindictive way by a third party, something which could conceivably happen to anyone here. And that was made clear from the very first post.

I welcome you to the site, and I hope you will continue to contribute. You are certainly entitled to your personal views. Just tread carefully when it comes to delicate situations with which you are unfamiliar.

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