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kaylex 02-02-2008 04:50 PM

Sloganize your name
Wow was mine DEAD ON!! try it

My name sloganized:

"It takes a tough man to make a tender Kalyex!"

teefortexas 02-02-2008 09:54 PM

Aye Carumba! Mine, also, is DEAD ON, Kaylex!

"You can't Top a Teefortexas!"


Did ya hear that Achilles?!!
What do you think about that?!!

rangerboy 02-02-2008 11:20 PM

I Wish I Hadn't Done This LOL
"Devon Knows How They Make Rangerboy So Creamy."

Oh....that is a mental image I could do without. Great seeing everyone tonight at BU......Terry....Miss you girl.


aurora 02-03-2008 12:41 AM

"The future's bright. The future's Aurora".

Awwhhh... Kinda gives me the warm and fuzzies.

BlackVelvet007 02-03-2008 01:46 AM

I Wish They All Could Be Blackvelvet007 Girls

'Nuff Said :D

BlackVelvet007 02-03-2008 01:48 AM

I hit "reload" just to see what would come up. What did I get?

Obey Your Blackvelvet007

It's Uncanny I tell you.

Jean-Paul 02-03-2008 02:34 PM

That is too funny..
Here's what it came up for me....

Lipsmackin' Thirstquenchin' Acetastin' Motivatin' Goodbuzzin' Cooltalkin' Highwalkin' Fastlivin' Evergivin' Coolfizzin' Jean-Paul.

Thought that was a bit long for a T-shirt so I reloaded and got this...

Come to Jean Paul, and Let's Get It Done.

Fun Site.........

spanked~amber 02-03-2008 05:26 PM

Uhmmm ..."Just Do Amber ?!?! " So I thought I would hit reload and try again-this is what I got: "Central Heating for Amber." Is this thing rigged ? lol. Last I tried using "Spanking Amber" and this is what I got..."Not Just Nearly Spanking Amber, But Really Spanking Amber." Scary I tell ya.

BlackVelvet007 02-03-2008 10:22 PM

lol Amber that's awesome. Congrats on reaching 400+ posts btw. :)

emily 02-03-2008 11:17 PM

i like mine.. "The Emily Of Paradise"

Batman 02-18-2008 10:47 PM

My first one was "Built Batman Tough".

Hit reload just for kicks and got
"The Batman Sign Means Happy Motoring".

Odd slogans!!

sarah thorne 02-19-2008 12:08 PM

Sarah Comes to Those Who Wait! :D


Kyra 03-03-2008 05:28 PM

To Our Members, We're The Fourth Kyra.


raavyn 03-03-2008 09:03 PM

well, mine was a bit scary ... "Tonight Let It Be raavyn" ... then i hit reload out of curiousity and got "Go To Work On A raavyn"

eek, lol


jerseysweet 03-03-2008 09:07 PM

First: Every Kiss Begins With Kate
Second: Easy, Breezy, Beautiful Kate (Not sure I like the easy part)

And since I am bored...

Third: The Queen of Kate

And the last...and my favorite haha

"If you want to get ahead, get a Kate"

Although I just realized it could be vulgar!


lil_babygirl 03-04-2008 12:34 AM

"Where Angela is a pleasure" is what mine said..

texas_jack 03-04-2008 09:17 PM

mine said "Stop! This Jack's not ready yet!" Funny I thought I was ALWAYS ready. Second one was a little better. "We do Jack right." I should never have tried Texas_jack....."Give that man a Texas_jack." I think I'm doin it wrong.

EmmyDoll 03-05-2008 09:22 AM

Okay, Okay....

So I had to do this....

And I got...

"Its just what the Emmy ordered."

followed by...

"Smart. Beautiful. Emmy."

and then last but not least...

"It's Emmy Time!"

Geeze. This thing just sung my praises, huh?

It's certainly not a Top device in my case!

angel{BK} 02-25-2009 02:00 PM

1. Is it live or is it Angel?
2. Ut Oh. Better Get Angel.
3. Angel Inside.

spankingprincess2005 02-25-2009 05:40 PM

this is what i got
UH -oh better get CRYstal


Franklymydear 03-01-2009 10:50 AM

Franklymydear, I don't give a damn if it hurts! You need spanked and by someone who knows how!

Batman 06-18-2009 12:00 AM

Mine was:


On a side note, how did this thread get in the Gallery Policies instead of the main forum?

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