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RG_ 10-24-2006 05:48 AM

Who Was Paddled At School?
I'm sure that this question will get asked periodically ('cause I'll make sure of it ;) ), but here's the first time. It's a good real life question that can generate some interesting discussion.

Were you paddled at school when growing up?

If so, give us an overview and tell us your story.

Where did you go to school (at least city or state, if not specifically). What grades did you get it in? Who did the paddling? How did they go about doing it? etc. etc.

MichiganHeadmaster 10-24-2006 06:58 AM

From what I can remember:

Once by a nun in 3rd or 4th grade, in front of class. It looked scarier than it was.

Once in H.S. by a gym teacher for not wearing a jock strap. One smack, but again the thought of it was scary as hell (and it did sting but wasn't too bad).

Richard Windsor 10-24-2006 09:16 AM


As you well know, school paddlings are not something that was used in the UK. However, keeping on the theme, during my days at school the cane WAS used. I have a story about this that I will share soon. Funny enough though, I never once recalled ANY girl getting the cane either at my school, or the schools close by where I knew people. During the equivalent of Junior high girls were indeed 'slippered' like any other pupil however. The slipper was actually a gym shoe (sneaker/plimsoll) and many times that I recall this was given in front of the whole class, not always, but many times that I know of.

Of course the early 70's were a much different time on council estates in England, and I will be so bold to venture that not a single girl told their parents that they were slippered at school that day, because we all know what would have happened if they shared that information :D


txspanker 10-24-2006 02:28 PM

Spanking at school
I was never spanked at school because I was a good boy then. But I do remember in high school 2 of our usual "getting-in-trouble, ex-football players that had been kicked off the team" suspects being taken out in the hall by a very attractive female african-american substitute teacher that would not tolerate disrespect. I can't remember exactly what the 2 suspects were doing, but I know the paddling was warranted. The teacher asked the 2 to go into the hall; she then had to get another teacher to witness, as that was the custom. As the whole class sat smiling at each other, the distict sound of whack-whack-whack pause whack-whack-whack could be heard reverbating in the hall. The door then opened and as the two suspects returned, there was a notable watering of the eyes. As everyone held in their laughter or fear in some cases, class resumed as if nothing had happened.

That was in my junior year and that's the last spanking at school that I actual heard.

txspanker 10-24-2006 02:29 PM

Spanking at school
I was never spanked at school because I was a good boy then. But I do remember in high school 2 of our usual "getting-in-trouble, ex-football players that had been kicked off the team" suspects being taken out in the hall by a very attractive female african-american substitute teacher that would not tolerate disrespect. I can't remember exactly what the 2 suspects were doing, but I know the paddling was warranted. The teacher asked the 2 to go into the hall; she then had to get another teacher to witness, as that was the custom. As the whole class sat smiling at each oth:eek: :eek: er, the distict sound of whack-whack-whack pause whack-whack-whack could be heard reverbating in the hall. The door then opened and as the two suspects returned, there was a notable watering of the eyes. As everyone held in their laughter or fear in some cases, class resumed as if nothing had happened.

That was in my junior year and that's the last spanking at school that I actual heard.

RG_ 10-24-2006 07:08 PM

Txspanker notes in his post the mood/reaction of the class when the involved parties were outside of the room. Despite a teacher's admonitions to do so, no study or other serious endeavor was ever accomplished while a paddling was in progress, especially in the classroom but not out in the hall either. The difference was that when it was in the hall as soon as the teacher had left the room the class began doing as he said-smiling at each other, exchanging loud whispers on the event-in-progress, everyone keeping their ears super-tuned to the proceedings outside, waiting to hear the first swat land. And then, as soon as the last one was given, immediately adopting a serious look and being perfectly silent as the miscreants and the dispenser of justice returned to the room.

Of course, if YOU were the one on the spot and being marched up front or outside, besides being pretty anxious about what was going to happen, you were also acutely aware that every eye and ear was upon you.

Hmmm...that certainly gives a different take on the unofficial state song of Texas, doesn't it?! I can see a just-paddled offender walking back into the room while the class softly hums, "The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You." :D

garyspk 10-25-2006 10:41 PM

I got paddled at school more times than I can count. I grew up in Oklahoma and in the late 60s and early 70s, they were big-time paddlers in school.

The most I ever remember getting at one time was 3 or 4. That's the reason why in our "Paddled At School" videos, we usually do 3 good swats. It was the norm at schools that paddled.

I don't remember having erotic feelings at the time about being punished like that. BUT..there's no question I had erotic feelings about it as early as the sixth grade when I got to kind of semi-witness 2 girls in my sixth grade gym class gets swats from our lesbian gym teacher! I didn't know why I found that fascinating, but I sure did. That particular day created a monster!

RG_ 10-26-2006 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by garyspk (Post 326)
...I got to kind of semi-witness 2 girls in my sixth grade gym class gets swats from our lesbian gym teacher!

Were girls paddled much in your junior high and high school?

And tell us the story about the paddling of those two girls by the gym teacher. What happened and what did you see?

garyspk 10-26-2006 10:19 AM

Well, I'm convinced that witnessing that paddling was the beginning of my realization that I had the fetish...even before I knew what the word "fetish" meant!

Here's what happened. 4 of us (2 boys and 2 girls) got in trouble for breaking the rules during a game of "bean bag spin." This was basically dodgeball with bean bags and we played it in our school during gym class on occasion. The 6th grade lesbian gym teacher gave us the choice of taking swats or staying after school. We all chose the swats. My male friend and I went first. She literally took a running start and gave us either 2 or 3 licks. I can't remember the exact amount. But I do remember they stung. She dismissed the 2 of us and told the girls to come in. Well, my friend went on out in the hall to his next class and I kind of lingered around (imagine that!).

The way the gym teacher's office was configured, there was actually a "holding" office before you got to her actual office. Then you left and went out in the big gym. Well, she took the girls in together. This was the late sixties and at my school, they would not let girls wear pants yet.

So the teacher had one girl stand to the side and made the other one bend over, put her hands on the teacher's desk and lift the back of her skirt! And while I unfortunately did not get to SEE that, I definitely heard the instructions both girls...and heard the actual swats hit. They weren't as loud as ours were, because we had more padding.

After the 2nd girl got her swats, I bolted out to the hall as I didn't want to get caught snooping. The girls came out, were a bit teary and were rubbing their butts. I still remember their names, Ann and Cindy.

Anyway, this was a pretty big deal for me, a just-starting-puberty 6th grader. And while I saw quite a few paddlings at school in the late 60s and 70s, this one had a huge impact on me. And that's an absolutely 100% true story, BTW.

RG, to answer your question, for every 10 boys that got paddled, 1 girl would get it. It was easily a 10:1 ratio.

RG_ 10-26-2006 09:31 PM

Great account, Gary!

Now follow that one up and tell us about the most memorable paddling that you ever personally received, since you're apparently well experienced from your school days.

garyspk 10-27-2006 11:54 PM

Well RG, the one I remember that HURT the most was in the 9th grade.

I was in the boys' gym class and we were swimming that particular day in school. Our school had a pool. Anyway, we were playing a game of water polo and I happened to dunk this really obnoxious cocky punk 7th grader. The gym coach did not see the humor in that at all.

I had to get out of the pool and this gym coach made me grab my ankles and gave me one really hard lash with his whistle strap over my wet swim trunks. And I'm telling you, that freakin' hurt! LOL. This was the 70s in Oklahoma and they still did stuff like that.

The usual procedure was to send you to the office, where the school principal, or counselor, or whoever gave you about 3 swats with a wooden paddle over your pants.

Aunt Vicki 10-30-2006 11:41 PM

Spanked in School? Never!
I was never spanked at school but did spend a lot of time sitting by the teacher and off in a corner. I was and still am a bit naughty and should have been spanked. Not sure if they spanked in Missouri schools.

I sure do like to spank naughty students in my own school room in my house!


garyspk 10-30-2006 11:45 PM

You know what? I'll vouch for that! I've seen some naughty bottoms spanked at Aunt Vicki's place.

garyspk 10-30-2006 11:50 PM

In fact, check out the gallery. I just posted 2 pix of Aunt Vicki paddling forum member Lisa.

RG_ 10-31-2006 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by garyspk (Post 450)
In fact, check out the gallery. I just posted 2 pix of Aunt Vicki paddling forum member Lisa.

As I recall Paige was also in that same scene, being paddled by Vicki. And as I also recall, I think that you said in your interview blurb that Paige was, in fact, paddled at school, and on more than one occasion!

garyspk 10-31-2006 12:52 AM

Paige tells a fantastic story (and a true one!) about being paddled in school on our spankinginterviews site.

She still works for us on occasion and is a great "screener" for possible new models!

RG_ 10-31-2006 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by garyspk (Post 453)
Paige tells a fantastic story (and a true one!) about being paddled in school on our spankinginterviews site.

She still works for us on occasion and is a great "screener" for possible new models!

You need to get her active on the message board here. I bet she could regale us with some great stories!

On how many occasions was she paddled in school?

garyspk 10-31-2006 12:57 AM

Well RG, your little note inspired me to drop her an e-mail about 5 minutes ago. I'll try to get her in here.

She's been under the weather the past month or so. I think she's feeling better now though.

RG_ 10-31-2006 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by garyspk (Post 457)
She's been under the weather the past month or so. I think she's feeling better now though.

The last month?!! I hope that it's not serious!

Amber has had a bug, too. What are you doing to them over there, Gary? ;)

garyspk 10-31-2006 01:04 AM

I guess it's just this strange North Texas "bratty" bug that's going around.

On the subject of Paige, she's a terrific spanker too. We get lots of feedback on her spanking ability.

Of course she's a great spankee too....

BlackVelvet007 10-31-2006 06:19 PM

I like threads like this. I myself was never paddled at school, but when I lived in Nashville for 2 & 1/2 years there were plenty. The science teacher Mrs. Estes dished out the most. She once lined up 7 kids who didn't do their homework and gave them all 3 swats. Glad I did my homework that day. Thing is, whenever a kid got paddled they did it outside the classroom, and every kid in the room got dead quiet so they could listen. I knew I wasn't the only one then.

garyspk 10-31-2006 09:53 PM

The dreaded Mrs. Estes, eh?

This picture that BlackVelvet paints is exactly what happened in the schools I attended in the 60s and 70s in Oklahoma. It's a perfect description of what actually happened.

If any video producer (us included) could capture the whole setting the way BlackVelvet described it, you'd really have something. Nothing irritates me more (and is more of a turn-off) than to see a school punishment scene that has no closeness to reality at all.

BlackVelvet007 10-31-2006 11:19 PM

Claire Fonda did an all-girl video called "Exclusive Education" which used 8 women (2 tops, six bottoms) which you might want to check out. You can find it at Shadowlane or at

I went to school in Nashville from 1983 to 1985. From what I understand, TN is STILL one of 22 states that has this kind of CP in schools.

60's and 70's Gary? You don't look NEARLY that old in real life. Hell, you look younger than me and I'm 35.

garyspk 10-31-2006 11:25 PM

Clare is greatness. She'll love that you said that. She just joined our forum a few days ago.

Tennessee, along with Oklahoma and parts of Texas are still paddling states.

RG_ 11-01-2006 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by garyspk (Post 473)
Tennessee, along with Oklahoma and parts of Texas are still paddling states.

Ah, my favorite topic. ;)

Don't forget that paddling is still used in almost all of the states in private schools (though not ever private school uses CP, there are more than a few private school in almost all states except New Jersey that do). So, geographically speaking, the practice is still pretty widespread.

Megan1975 11-11-2006 02:50 AM

First posting
Hello All:

The moderator kindly invited me to join, and I've just spent some time going through the posts on school paddling. I see a couple of old friends here, including RG who is very familiar with the story of how a friend and I each received five licks in high school shortly before my 18th b-day in 1993.

It was interesting to see a story in the Raleigh News & Observor a few weeks back stating that 70% of school districts in North Carolina continue to paddle in this Year of Grace MMVI. I had no idea it was that many.

In all events, I am looking forward to participating in this forum.

BTW, I am confident RG will concur that my senior year paddling was wholly undeserved. He will, I am confident, attest that Yours Truly personifies all the virtures of Southern Womanhood and ought *never* to have found myself poking my tender, tremulous fanny (_|_) outward & upward in the straining denim of faded Wranglers for those five licks administered by a crabby female AP. :eek:


Wood Paddles 11-11-2006 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by Megan1975 (Post 777)
Hello All:

The moderator kindly invited me to join, and I've just spent some time going through the posts on school paddling. I see a couple of old friends here, including RG who is very familiar with the story of how a friend and I each received five licks in high school shortly before my 18th b-day in 1993.

It was interesting to see a story in the Raleigh News & Observor a few weeks back stating that 70% of school districts in North Carolina continue to paddle in this Year of Grace MMVI. I had no idea it was that many.

In all events, I am looking forward to participating in this forum.

BTW, I am confident RG will concur that my senior year paddling was wholly undeserved. He will, I am confident, attest that Yours Truly personifies all the virtures of Southern Womanhood and ought *never* to have found myself poking my tender, tremulous fanny (_|_) outward & upward in the straining denim of faded Wranglers for those five licks administered by a crabby female AP. :eek:


Hi Megan, glad to see you got my invite and decided to join the forum, I figured this would be something that would be right up your alley :) , but to set the record straight I am not a moderator here (at least not yet), just a member and avid spanking enthusiast. You should share your story with forum, I am sure everyone would love hear about you having to "poke your tender, tremulous fanny (_|_) outward & upward in the straining denim of faded Wranglers for those five licks" as a senior in high school and let every one judge for themselves whether or not it was well deserved or not :) .

jackie seven 11-11-2006 08:59 AM

Welcome Megan!

I agree with Wood Paddles, we would love to hear the details of your five licks. Please share!

spanked~amber 11-11-2006 11:07 AM

This may come as a shock to you all, but yes, I was paddled in school. More than once even. I was very young. My kindergarten and first grade years were spent in a Christian Acadamy. We had two teachers in our room. One of them was like a grandmother to my twin & I. She adored us. That being said though, she still made us follow the rules. The first paddling I recieved was from the other teacher for climbing on top of my desk. Well geeez, let me explain-I had good reason, at least I thought so at the time. Our desk's weren't individual ones, it was wall length ones that pulled down from the wall. Dividers were placed in between each student. I could barely reach the top of my section. One day while both teachers left the room, I had this notion pop into my head to crawl up onto the desk and look over the divider into my friend Kimberly's section. It was a lot of fun until the other teacher walked back into the room. My full named was spouted along with "Just what in the world do you think you are doing ?!?!" I hadn't thought about coming with a good reason before climbing up there. So I said the first thing that popped in my little head. "I wanted to see what it looked like from up here." Bright student I was. tee hee. This reply for some reason, seemed to make her face even more red. Before I knew it, she was already across the room and taking me down from my desk. My hand was grabbed and I had to almost skip to keep up as she escorted me out the door and down the hall. Now that hallway looked as if it went on for miles ! But we sure did make it to the third door awfully fast. A chair was placed in front of me and I was ordered to bend over it. She pulled a drawer out of the small table by the door and retrieved the red ping pong paddle. I had never felt one before that day. I just remember that it stung a lot. After the second swat I pulled my feet up behind me and up to my bottom for protection. I was quickly warned that I could take my next swat "like a good girl" or Bro. Danny could finish the job. My feet returned to dangling and the last swat was made to count the most. I don't remember seeing all eyes on me as I came back to the room- I kept my head down as I returned to my chair. I do remember feeling all eyes upon me though !

Brian11 11-11-2006 11:32 AM

Hi Megan,

Welcome to the forum.....I must say if you are the Megan I have read a story about "Summer School" was GREAT....I wish you would write more...It was a great description of a school paddling and the reactions and feelings. Do write me and let me know if this is you that wrote it. I would like to see some more of your writing. And for anyone who wants to read that story PM me and I will send it to you, unless Gary would like me to post that story...if it is Megan, I need you to give me permission to do so.
Thanks so much, hope to see you in the chat on Wednesday nights and thanks for ALL sharing in this Forum Thread. See ya soon. Brian.

garyspk 11-11-2006 01:11 PM

Welcome Megan
Hi there Megan,

Welcome to the forum. You don't realize it probably, but you and I have a common friend. That would be Steve in Atlanta. And we should get him to sign up here.

I agree with my friends WoodPaddles and Brian, you should post your stories. We'd love to hear them.

RG_ 11-12-2006 09:04 AM

So Megan arrives! And tardy again, I see, as usual. The forum is already well off and running on it's new start. Perhaps a trip to the principals office might be in order here. ;)


Originally Posted by Megan1975 (Post 777)
BTW, I am confident RG will concur that my senior year paddling was wholly undeserved.

Megan, in all the years that I've known you and that goes back to...hmmm...I don't recall exactly now, but well back into the 90's, not too terribly long after you got out of school...I have no doubt that there are very few things that have come to pass for you on your own volition, good or bad, that you have not richly deserved. ;)


Originally Posted by Megan (Post 777)
In all events, I am looking forward to participating in this forum.

And in all events, I am sure that this new forum will be significantly enhanced by your presence.

So that being said and another of my long term friends having arrived, let me do a bit of an introduction for Megan.

There are many things to be said about her, but I'll highlight one of the perhaps more unexpected. Some of you may recall that my old website, Paddled At School, has been mentioned here a time or two in passing. It was a website devoted to the gathering and offering of factual information about school paddling in the U.S., and involved many aspects. There we news articles and other printed articles, video clips from television reports, pictures of all sorts, transcripts of interviews with real people (not the internet fantasizers) who had been paddled at school or had some significant other experience with it, a very active message board base, and more. It was one of a rare handful of websites devoted to factual information and I worked hard to make it successful. There was a little behind-the-scenes confraternity of sorts of the providers of factual CP sites, which included Colin Farrells World Corporal Punishment Research site and Paul's Spanking Facts and Research site (I invited Paul to join here today, as a matter of fact). I say all of that not to brag on the site, which suffered its sad demise a few years ago when the service provider killed it, but to note that it was a site into serious research at a high level. And that statement is what brings me back to Megan! Megan ranks among the most prodigious researchers of factual information about real school paddling in American schools and, to a lesser degree, real information about spankings growing up, that I know! Her fun and free wheeling social style on the boards (a good bit of which you have already seen in her first post ;) ), her relative youth (which is not quite-as-youthful as it once was), and, I think to some, the fact that she's female, can tend to cloud this aspect of her to most, I think, but I consider her to be among the top rank of the "profession" so to speak. She is responsible for a great deal of the material which ultimately appeared on PAS.

Megan was the owner of an old school paddling related website known as "Fiery Fannies," which, while it still had much to do with factual CP, also had a well-deserved reputation for a lot of fun tongue-in-cheek discussion, also. And I can warn you now that Megan often has her tongue implanted firmly into her cheek! So members beware. ;)

She's a Southern patriot of the first order, well versed in theological thought and apologetics, a Tar Heel by birth and rearing, and an all-around good person to have on a board like MSF.


Originally Posted by Megan1975 (Post 777)
I see a couple of old friends here, including RG who is very familiar with the story of how a friend and I each received five licks in high school shortly before my 18th b-day in 1993.

This story is one of the most well written, detailed accounts of a school paddling that I have ever seen on the net, and I've seen more than a few. Later, as Megan and I collaborated more closely, she expanded the story some to include a few more details. On a serious note, I think she should post it under it's own title.

(NOTE TO GARY: Gary, I think that this is the time to start a "Real Life" discussion category, too, for the placement of such stories. I can tell you from long experience that having both fictional and rea life stories in the same group will grow to be very confusing. Megan's would be a great kick-off for the real life group.)

So welcome to Megan!

jackie seven 11-12-2006 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by RG_ (Post 794)
Megan was the owner of an old school paddling related website known as "Fiery Fannies," which, while it still had much to do with factual CP, also had a well-deserved reputation for a lot of fun tongue-in-cheek discussion, also. And I can warn you now that Megan often has her tongue implanted firmly into her cheek! So members beware.

Was that the old Fiery Fannies Yahoo group? If so, I used to love that site and wondered what happened to it. It was (by far) the best of its kind I that 've ever seen.

RG_ 11-12-2006 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by jackie seven (Post 800)
Was that the old Fiery Fannies Yahoo group? If so, I used to love that site and wondered what happened to it. It was (by far) the best of its kind I that 've ever seen.

Jackie, yes, that's the same one.

It sure was a hoot, wasn't it? ;)

garyspk 11-12-2006 04:50 PM

The "real life" discussion category is a good suggestion. If others agree, we'll try it out.

garyspk 11-12-2006 04:52 PM

So what was Yahoo's explanation for shutting these groups down? Lord knows I've seen many groups on Yahoo that are MUCH more risque and obnoxious than these 2.

RG_ 11-12-2006 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by garyspk (Post 815)
So what was Yahoo's explanation for shutting these groups down? Lord knows I've seen many groups on Yahoo that are MUCH more risque and obnoxious than these 2.

Gary, no explanation was ever given by Yahoo!

After the group disappeared I at first thought that perhaps Yahoo was having one of it's periodic problems in which access to the Groups area was down. This had happened a handful of times before in the six-year history of PAS. But then I discovered that the e-mail account (containing *years* worth of correspondance) was also gone. Repeated e-mails to Yahoo yielded no answer. Members even wrote and also received no answer or explanation. There was not even an automated response to say that the groups were deleted for some policy violation. Just silence.

I'm not sure how closely that you followed PAS, if you followed it at all. But I kept the group very clean. Because the purpose of the group was to gather information about factual corporal punishment in American schools, there was no porn or sexual talk allowed. No pictures depicting nudity were allowed. In order to keep the group on-topic and going in the right direction, I didn't even allow personal ad and such.

There were depictions, both photos and videos, of realistic paddling scenes. These were not gratuitous in any way, and were chosen because they gave a realistic presentation of what a paddling might actually be like in a real school. They were always identified as being recreations and not the real thing, and no copyright violations were made. In fact, both the videos and photos came from the commercial Real Spankings site, which had given me blanket permission to use any videos and photos that I wished to, and gave me a pass to their sites so that I would have access to them. The main video for PAS was even made by Real Spankings to depict a real paddling, and showed the process all the way from reporting to the office throuigh getting the paddling, to leaving again. It was nothing more than what would be seen in an actual school setting.

So I have no answer and no clue. The only speculation that I can make is that someone there who had the power to do so just didn't like the site and killed it on political correctness grounds.

Megan can both speak to the description that I gave of PAS above, and offer any words that she has on her own site's demise, which went down a few weeks or months later.

Megan1975 11-13-2006 10:15 AM

PAS & Fiery Fannies
As I recall, the two groups went down almost at the same time and possibly even on the same day. Fiery Fannies was discovered to have been deleted about 11:45 AM on April 19th, 2005.

RG is perfectly correct in stating PAS contained nothing objectionable. Indeed, a good deal of the material mirrored items that had appeared in the mainstream media. The pro-corporal punishment stance of PAS, however, is certainly what trampled upon the politically correct sensibilities of some Yahoo employee, and thus it, and FF as well, were destroyed with the push of a button.


pfloyd 02-28-2008 04:25 AM

This is my first ever post, so please be kind; I may not be doing it right. I was also a good kid and scared to death of teachers, so I never got paddled. I did however have a girlfriend in 1977 who definitely got her share. We both worked at McD's and I distinctly remember both of us making out in the women's rest room (we were supposed to be cleaning it), and she told me that she had gotten licks that day from a guidance counselor. That was nothing new for her, but that day stood out because the lady usually gave her 3 swats, but increased it to 5 on this occasion for reasons unknown. I remember the reason she got padled (excessive tardies) and she was a tough little girl, so I'm sure she wasn't emotionally wrecked from the experience. But it was noteworthy when Lee even mentioned a paddling having any lasting effect, so I'm sure that's why I remember it--that, and the fact that every spanking memory in my life has been filed and re-lived to the point of photographic recall :-)
I remember she wasn't ready, as she was expecting just 3. The counselor asked her "do you want them slow or fast this time?", and before she could answer, she told me she fired all of them off very rapidly--like a machine gun. She said the woman really tore her tail up. My next memory of that day is moving to the men's room and making out some more while pretending to be cleaning.

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