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spanked~amber 12-17-2006 10:45 AM

*sits thinking to herself.."What can I post about that won't get me in further trouble...let's see...gee thats harder to do than I thought it would be !" ;)

BlackVelvet007 12-17-2006 12:54 PM

Lol I'll refrain from the easy comments about trying to catch Amber. ;)

There have been a few spanking referrences on The Simpsons. The Bush one was funny for what it was: A single weak slap on the seat of jean shorts. My favorite ref was during the episode where Homer thinks he's dying of blowfish poisoning. Homer indicates to Bart that he wants him on his lap for a heart to heart talk, and instead Bart just drops trou and assumes the position out of force of habit.

RG_ 12-18-2006 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by BlackVelvet007 (Post 1230)
There have been a few spanking referrences on The Simpsons...and instead Bart just drops trou and assumes the position out of force of habit.

I either read or someone told me once (perhaps both) that there was an episode on The Simpsons when Homer actually whips Bart with a belt. Doesn't sound like this would be the one, so does anyone recall anything about this?

jackie seven 12-19-2006 09:21 AM

While we are on the subject of spanking references on mainstream TV, the king of all such shows was the Beverly Hillbillies. There were so many in those programs that you have to wonder if some of the writers were spankos.

RG_ 12-19-2006 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by jackie seven (Post 1285)
While we are on the subject of spanking references on mainstream TV, the king of all such shows was the Beverly Hillbillies. There were so many in those programs that you have to wonder if some of the writers were spankos.

Probably one of the reasons that I loved the Beverly Hillbillies so much. And while Jethro probably made the majority of those references, it was the spectre of the wholesome Ellie Mae being on the receiving end, which she certainly was from her own references, that sustained me through so many seasons. ;)

I think, however, that the ceaseless spanking references were more in line with both their Southern and hillbilly tradition, an upbringing in which a good spanking was considered as needful an ingredient for a healthy upbringing as was nutritious food.

BlackVelvet007 12-20-2006 12:50 AM

??? Do any episodes actually SHOW Ellie Mae getting it? Referrences are fine and dandy, but a visual would definitely be worth the cost of a season on dvd.;)

Rafa 12-20-2006 09:56 AM

As an avid watcher of the Hillbillies as a kid I can attest that Ellie May was not spanked on the show, unless I missed that episode (I sure hope not!) but I recall Mrs. Drysdale ,of all people, going over Mr Drysdale's knee on two occasions. She'd plead and apologize while Milburne was being very firm in his scoldings. I was amazed as a boy! I also clearly recall the end of an episode in which a young female con artist reports getting a lesson from Granny who "got to the bottom of the problem" or maybe it was :the seat of the problem". She is shown talking to a couple of other characters and says "No one ever taught me right from wrong like she done" and I think she may have even put her hands behind her to rub her bottom. Ahhhh, the good old days of TV! :)

jackie seven 12-20-2006 01:53 PM

I was also an avid Beverly Hillbillies fan and always fantasized about see ing Elly May get "took to the woodshed" in those skin tight jeans she used to wear.

Actually, she did get the seat of those "britiches" smacked once. Granny applied a playful smack tp her bottom then laughed it off saying something like "That's just to keep you in line." Other than that, I don't know of her recieving anything that could be defined as a spanking. But she did come close on a couple of occasions.

I'm paraphrasing here, but once in regard to Elly, Granny asked Jed, "Do you want me to paddle her or are you going to do it?" Jed relied, "That depends on what she's done that needs paddling." In another episode in which Granny was displeased about all of Elly's critters running around the mansion and they were trying to make arranngements to temporarily put some of her dogs on a kennel. Jane Hathaway mentioned something about boarding them somewhere. Granny said, "She better or I'll BOARD her!

Of course, my favorite episode of all time was the "Badger Game." A two part episode in which the lovely Gayle Hunnicutt was supposedly switched by Granny and contritely rubbed her bottom while apologizing for her part in a blackmail scheme.

BlackVelvet007 12-20-2006 03:49 PM

Shuckins, Ah reckon ah gotta check my TV Land listings an see bout seeing these hyah episodes. :) (I lived down south 10 years before NY).

So we've covered The Simpsons, King of The Hill, That 70's Show, and The Beverly Hillbillies. Any more? What about Gidget?

RG_ 12-20-2006 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by BlackVelvet007 (Post 1327)
Any more? What about Gidget?

Why, of course more! :D

There were at least two episodes in which Gidget was actually spanked and it was shown. The only one that I can clearly recall was at the end of the show when she was bent over the back of a couch (with her facing the camera) and two people, I think her older sister and her older sister's boyfriend, began alternately spanking her for something that she had done. Perhaps someone else will recall the details of the other. Also, her father referred at least a few times to spanking her, including one, I am almost certain, in which he said something along the lines of, "You're not too old to spank." (And indeed she wasn't as the two incidents that I've mentioned demonstrate.) I also always thought it a cool think to contemplate that Gidget was a well spanked girl growing up.

And among others that I could mention, who recalls the Flipper episode in which the father spanks one of the boys, though it is not shown? The kid makes references to some kind of explosion or boom, and the father replies something to the effect of, "There are going to be a lot more booms when we get home tonight!" In the last scene of the episode the son is shown riding around on his bike (might even have been on of those butterfly bar, banana seat models that were new in the 60's) with a big pillow to sit on to cushion his obviously spanked bottom.

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